Wednesday 4 September 2019

B Today, being vegan does follow the 1st precept. Supply and demand dictates that the animal is slaughtered because consumers pay for it, otherwise, it wouldn’t have even been bred into existence. Any action that increases demand for animal bodies and byproducts goes counter to the 1st precept. But if you are homeless, begging for food and on the brink of starvation, then the 3 rules of eating animal bodies apply. Outside of that, it’s advisable to follow a vegan diet. Thích Nhat Hanh makes this very clear that a vegan diet is the most compassionate diet to follow as Buddhists.

Today, being vegan does follow the 1st precept. Supply and demand dictates that the animal is slaughtered because consumers pay for it, otherwise, it wouldn’t have even been bred into existence. Any action that increases demand for animal bodies and byproducts goes counter to the 1st precept.
But if you are homeless, begging for food and on the brink of starvation, then the 3 rules of eating animal bodies apply. Outside of that, it’s advisable to follow a vegan diet.
Thích Nhat Hanh makes this very clear that a vegan diet is the most compassionate diet to follow as Buddhists.

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