Thursday 15 August 2019


Would welcome advice on a 4yo male with a 3 month history of recurrent petechiae, confined to face and neck area. Initially noted after crying that was not forceful and did not involve breath holding or screaming. Initially just under eyes.Then noted petechiae on forehead and back of neck after being very upset.
At that time, had no subconjunctival haemorrhages and no bruises elsewhere. Has likely flow murmur and rest of exam normal.
Then had big patch appear behind right ear with no obvious trigger.
Mum then caught him and his sister playing a farting game where he was straining alot. She put a stop to that but he has had a couple of minor knocks to head and had a big patch of petechiae come out in the area.
No family or past history of bleeding and had T's and A;s previously with no bleeds.
Investigations include FBC, ELFT's, CXR and ultrasound of upper mediastinal vessels. Echo still awaited.
?Other investigtions/ thoughts
Tanya Dodman
Mackay paediatrics

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