Tuesday 27 August 2019


  1. Life is short and also very long
  2. If you get into debt, chances are you will never get out again
  3. Depression is as deadly as cancer, this is when your brain decides to kill you
  4. One day you will die, this could be the end or there could be an afterlife or there could be a reincarnation. Truth is nobody really knows that is why there are so many theories.
  5. You arrive here with nothing and you leave with nothing
  6. You don’t need to be right about anything, you simply need to appear to be right.
  7. You are completely alone in the universe, the better you are at fooling yourself into believing you are not alone, the better off you will be.
  8. The physical world you experience is not really what the world is like. Your brain constructs an “experience” based on a summary of all the information your senses give it. (Watch the documentary on the brain by Dr David Eagleman, will blow you mind).
  9. In the near future we will have designer babies, Jurassic Park and space travel, these things make life exciting
  10. If you live in a peaceful country, be grateful because sooner or later the gap between the haves and have not’s will become large enough that war will break out. There is nothing we can do about this, all civilizations have a sell by date.
  11. Chance's are, there will be nuclear warfare in your life time, which does not matter because you are going to die anyway.
  12. Fact is stranger than fiction
  13. What you understand is laughable outweighed by what you don’t, your ignorance is unimaginable… and then you die not really understanding anything.
  14. Movies are the closest thing we have to reality, the news is the furthest thing from reality.
  15. When you look at a person, all you see in a low resolution thumb nail, every assumption made about this thumbnail is wrong, yet you still believe it… because, you know nothing Jon Snow.
  16. All life is meaningless, the sun rises and the sun sets, day after day after day, season come and seasons go, there is nothing new under the sun.
  17. Better to eat, drink and be merry for all the days of your life.

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