Tuesday 27 August 2019


  • If you are angry, draw lines. Simple patterns relax you.
  • If you feel sad, paint a rainbow.
  • Tell someone who is angry that they have every right to feel that way if you want to calm them down. Don’t tell them to calm down.
  • People who blush easily are generally more generous and trustworthy than those who don't.
  • When you become really close to someone, you can hear their voice in your head when you read their texts.
  • If you think somebody is giving you a fake number, read it back to them incorrectly. See, if they correct you.
  • People are generally more honest when they are physically tired and stressed. This is why people confess things during late night conversations.
  • Your thumb is the same length as your nose.
  • When you’re arguing with someone and start laughing, it will make them even madder. This is a great way to win a trivial argument.
  • Daytime naps improve memory and cuts the risk of heart attacks.
  • Want someone's number at a party? Take a picture with them and ask them to send it to you.
  • Psychology says that people who are lying to you tend to look up and to their left.
  • Silence tends to be the best way to let someone know that they did something wrong.
  • Poor eyesight(myopia) is associated with higher IQ.
  • People will be more willing to do something for you if you ask them in their right ear.
  • If you feel hard to stay awake, drink two drinks: one hot and one cold. The combination stimulates the senses in your brain-- you’ll stay awake.
  • The most unexpected relationships and friendships tend to significantly last longer.
  • Psychology says men tend to forget but never forgive. Women tend to forgive but never forget.
  • A person who enjoys being single is called Quirkyalone.
  • A person usually makes a lot of hand gestures when telling a true story. When telling a lie, a person's hands will noticeably stay still.
  • If you brush your teeth(and other small tasks) with the wrong hand, you force the brain to work differently. This will improve your self control.
  • “Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in. ” - Leonardo da Vinci
  • When you get an email or text that infuriates you, wait about an hour to respond. You’ll be surprised at how much rational you become.
  • Smile before answering the phone. It will make you sound happier and will improve the quality of your conversation.
  • Being surrounded by the colour yellow helps you stay focused. Yellow color decreases the production of melatonin, a hormone which makes you sleepy.
  • Adolescence is one of the period in life where humans sleep a lot.
  • A liar might unconsciously place objects like book, coffee cup, etc. between you and themselves while speaking.
  • Talking about ourselves triggers the same sensation of pleasure in our brain as food or money.
  • Most of the problems in your life are due to two reasons: you act without thinking, or think without acting.
  • The human mind can only maintain complete trust once for each person. Once broken, it's never the same.
  • Words don't have power to hurt you, unless the person means a lot to you.
  • The way you talk to your children becomes their inner voice.
  • School doesn't test your intelligence. It tests your memory.
  • People with the highest IQ stay up late at night because their brains have increased mental stimulations.
  • If you stay up all night, your body will burn an extra 161 calories.
  • The most common lie is ‘I am fine'.

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