Friday 23 August 2019


The freedom of choicelessness

Image credit: Unsplash 
Why not having a choice is sometimes the best choice. My mother told me that when she was young, she went to the drug store for toothpaste and there it was—one brand of toothpaste. Nowadays, we'll spend 10 minutes in the toothpaste aisle wondering if we should get tartar control, or whitening, or sensitive plus whitening. And that's just one of the hundreds of choices we will make each day. As a result, our attention and energy is being drained by a barrage of mostly-meaningless choices.

We obviously like having choices, but more than that, we want to cultivate the state of consciousness that allows us to instinctively know which is the best choice for us to make in any given moment. Without it, we can easily get sucked into overthinking everything. This is where meditation comes in most handy.

Our daily meditation practice puts us in alignment with our intuition, which helps us recognize the right choice on the fly, no matter how many glittery options are being presented to us. This saves much time and energy for more important matters. And it's a feeling that every long-term meditator starts to recognize with time and practice.

Bottom line: The freedom of choicelessness is one major way that your meditation practice will refund you back the time you spend doing it.

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