Monday 26 August 2019


ay that someone slaps us in public in the face. Anger takes over. You want to destroy that person.
What would be a step to step process?
I heard that the best is to ignore the environment and bring awareness into your body.

 "How am I breathing?, 

Am I grounded?, 

Is my stomatch tight and tense?",

 then from this space you take action. The problem is when you need more than 20 minutes to calm down.

Just as hot water cools down when we add ice to it, anger diminishes in the presence of loving-kindness.
Such a nice analogy :) Thank you!
level 1
Great article!
Although, could you give practical advice when anger overwhelms us?
Say that someone slaps us in public in the face. Anger takes over. You want to destroy that person.
What would be a step to step process?
I heard that the best is to ignore the environment and bring awareness into your body. "How am I breathing?, Am I grounded?, Is my stomatch tight and tense?", then from this space you take action. The problem is when you need more than 20 minutes to calm down.
What do you guys think/suggest?
level 2
I'm reminded of Buddha saying something along the lines of leaving no trace of resentment as if you were a stream and someone just walked through you.
When we're truly mindful we must be willing to let go of past constructs. This includes the very recent past. Looking objectively at what occurredallows us to ask what would aggression serve other than to hurt one further.
The purpose of forgiveness is twofold, it brings peace to another and it allows you to move forward and not become ensnared by the delusion that you have been wronged. We can't practice mindfulness unless we're at least willing to forgive.
level 2
I am keen to know about this. Knowing and really controlling it in real life takes conscious efforts but how do we build up this kind of consciousness especially when unreasonable things unfold suddenly in our lives? This is something that I am really interested and bent on pursuing. Hope someone could share how you control your temper that arises due to sudden unreasonable situation or people hurling unkind remarks etc.
level 2
I can't think of anything too fancy. The immediate answer in my mind is practicing mindfulness. It really is the king, the sentinel of the five spiritual powers and the catalyst of the seven factors of awakening. I think what you're able to counter in the moment of such anger arising is a result of numerous moments of practicing what the OP suggested above prior to the unforeseen situation. Ultimately it's setting intentions, reflecting, and rewarding yourself for following through.
level 2
scientific1 point·2 hours ago
I wouldn’t ignore the environment, just bring awareness to your body.
level 1
Thank you for this. Just what I needed to read in this moment. Now if I can just apply it, I will have more peace.
level 1
Thank you for your insight I enjoyed reading it greatly
level 1
theravada4 points·15 hours ago
thank you for this.
level 1
Thank you for this!
level 1
Like alchemy with the emotions, I've learnt that there is no negative or positive emotions but the way you percieve these emotions and how you choose to express them. Putting your strong emotions into your work, something you love for example art, yourself, maybe you choose to improve your reaction. Unexpressed emotions are eating us up aswell. There is a sweet spot, balance, acceptance.
Thank you!
level 1
Can you say more about how to respond to anger when it arises from poor treatment of others, rather than yourself? My greatest triggers for anger are when I see examples in the world of other people who are perpetuating cruelty towards others, and I feel powerless to do anything.
What do you guys think/suggest?

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