Wednesday 31 October 2018


Right now I’m watching some beautiful clouds in the sky. I’m not blaming myself for any dark clouds. I’m not praising myself for any lovely white fluffy clouds. I’m just watching the clouds as they pass through the sky. Sometimes I get caught up and interested in the shape of a cloud. And sometimes I take more of a step back and notice the sky as a whole. And when I bring a kind, friendly attitude to sky, the experience is even more pleasurable. The awareness grows from not just intellectualising from my mind, but more from my heart.
It’s the same with your mind. The sky is your mind and the clouds are your thoughts. Sometimes you get caught up in the clouds and sometimes you step back and see the sky as a whole. What really matters is your attitude. Whenever you remember, bring a curious, kindly awareness to your mind and the thoughts that arise within them. You can’t really control what clouds come along, but you do have a bit of control with your attitude. Play with your attitude as and when you can.

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