Sunday 28 October 2018


Rinpoche began the teaching by explaining the story of Asanga and Maitreya Buddha, how Asanga did retreat for twelve years to achieve Maitreya Buddha but it wasn’t until he generated unbelievable bodhichitta by picking up the maggots from a wounded dog that he saw Maitreya Buddha, even though Maitreya Buddha said he had been there all the time, but Asanga hadn’t seen. Rinpoche then told the story of Lama Atisha when he was invited to Tibet and wrote the Lamp of the Path to Enlightenment. Rinpoche explained that if you don’t want suffering and only want happiness then you need to study the science of the mind and study the methods on how to free yourself from delusion and karma. It is because Bodhisattvas have stronger compassion they achieve enlightenment quicker. However long it takes you to achieve enlightenment depends on compassion. Compassion is the one that is so important. If you follow compassion then everything comes to you. Therefore, in all the activities of one’s life, do everything for sentient beings. Compassion is the most important thing to practice in everyday life and helps to achieve all the other realizations. Cherishing the I causes suffering to yourself and to numberless sentient beings and cherishing others is really cherishing yourself, not only now but in the future. Rinpoche said that when you experience abuse or whatever recognize immediately that it came from your own self-cherishing thought, and then whatever problem you have, give it to the real enemy, your self-cherishing thought and smash it. Rinpoche then spoke about the power of the object and if you get angry then you can destroy so many merits.

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