Thursday 8 August 2024

You are not your thoughts


WHEN great masters come on earth, they bring with them select V V advanced disciples from past incarnations to help them in their mission and to further or culminate the preparations of those disciples for liberation. Through association with the master, receiving his guidance in the higher teachings of soul freedom, and having their spirituality tested in the applied science of life in this earth-school, while also assisting the guru in his God-ordained work, such disciples and their guru fulfill in the highest way the divine covenant of the guru-disciple relationship. Among the throng who followed Jesus were many disciples, of greater or lesser qualification, known to him from lives past. From among these disciples he chose and appointed twelve to serve as apostles—those who are "sent forth" — notwithstanding that one among them failed his test, and succumbing to delusion was the instrument of betrayal and the cause of his own lost opportunity of salvation for many, many lifetimes of sorrow. PYA


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