Sunday, 11 August 2024

SN CNMA ARTHUR THE KING - Xe had 6 fantastic years together aftr Arthr ONS



The vibratory force emanating from Spirit, endowed with the illusory creative power of maya, is the Holy Ghost: Cosmic Vibration, the Word, Aum {Om) or Amen. All things, all created planets and living beings in the Holy Ghost, or Holy Vibration, are nothing but the frozen imagination of God. This Holy Ghost in the Hindu scriptures is called the Aum or Maha-Prakriti (Great Nature, the Cosmic Mother that gives birth to all creation); by the scientists, the structure of matter, its tissue or material, is also known, to a lesser degree, as cosmic vibration. "These things saith the Amen [the Word, Aum\ the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God."* The holy Cosmic Sound of Aum or Amen is the witness of the manifested Divine Presence in all creation



Free energy drove the emergence of the first large structures: galaxies and stars. The crucial source of free energy for this part of our origin story was gravity. Like a cosmological sheepdog, gravity likes to herd things. And the things it herded were the simple forms of matter created in the big bang. Together, gravity and matter provided the Goldilocks conditions for the emergence of stars and galaxies.




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