Sunday, 11 August 2024



“Parabrahman” is the eternal consciousness that permeates the entire universe, whose subtlety is so profound that it can only be experienced through self-realization. This Brahman is not only finer than the finest but is also eternal and timeless.

This truth reminds us that we are a part of that divine energy which is omnipresent. The foundation of creation, its vastness and subtlety, all emerge from this Supreme Brahman. This eternal essence is not only the basis of the cosmos but also the core of our soul. The verse reveals that the “tattva” (principle) you seek is already present within you.

The power of this divine wisdom lies in its ability to help us recognize our true self, leading to the realization that “Tat Tvam Asi” – meaning “You are That.” We are indeed a part of this Supreme Truth, and this realization can only be attained through meditation, contemplation, and spiritual practice, which elevate us beyond materiality towards the higher essence of spirituality.


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