Wednesday 24 April 2024




Now, at the very center of the nested circles of the peacock’s feather, you can see an incredible iridescent cobalt blue, and probably not coincidentally, this is the traditional color of Anuttara Śiva, absolute consciousness. The verse explicitly says that through this meditation, one enters the anuttara śūnya, the Supreme Space, which is the absolute Heart of Being.


Having said all this, the ‘five spaces’ could also refer to the five primary cakras in the Trika lineage (pelvic floor, low belly, heart, palate, and crown, which are sometimes called the five voids or spaces) in which case the practice here is to merge those five cakras into one (as taught in Tantrāloka chapter 29) and thereby enter the nonlocal absolute center, the Heart. But to have a five-cakra system implied immediately after the text has established a twelve-cakra system in verse 30 seems unlikely. 

VERSE 32, Yukti #6 (of 112):

शिखिपक्षैश् चित्ररूपैर् म.ङ्दलैः शून्यपञ्चकम् |
ध्यायतोऽनुत्तरे शून्ये प्रवेशो हृदये भवेत् || ३२ ||
śikhi-pakṣaiś citra-rūpair maṇḍalaiḥ śūnya-pañcakam |
dhyāyato 'nuttare śūnye praveśo hṛdaye bhavet || 32 ||

Meditating on the Five Spaces as the colorful circles of the peacock’s feathers, one enters the Heart, the Supreme Space. || 32 ||


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