Monday 1 April 2024




Each one of us has basic needs – security, desire to belong, physiological, among others. These needs are either biological or instinctual. Like children, when we express one part of ourselves, you receive negative cues from your surroundings – anger and tantrums. Each time our parents reprimanded us of our outbursts, they sent us to our rooms, right? Our teachers might have shamed us for our lack of dignity in class. Whenever anything like this happened, it threatened one of your basic needs.

 Meditating is better for your mental health than a vacation. 





Transience is the weakening or loss of memory over time. Thanks to transience, we can forget embarrassing moments from high school, only to replace them with new embarrassing moments from adulthood. Daniel says with age our memories generally go from “reproductive and specific recollections to reconstructive and more general descriptions.”



In people’s forties, story recall begins to decline. Word recall gets trickier in our fifties. It’s usually not huge – generally a 10-15% decline versus younger cohorts. When you reach your sixties and seventies this accelerates, but it varies from person to person. Roughly 20% of people in their seventies still have memories as sharp as college students.



Let us dig deeper into each of these features. When do you say that someone is narcissistic, Machiavellianism, or psychopathic? Well, Narcissism is about having a complete focus on self. It is about believing that you are special and should follow a different set of societal rules than the ones others follow. You are also known for your inability to show empathy. While these kinds of people may show cognitive empathy – empathy only through words – the truth is that empathy lacks in their actions and emotional feelings. When they tell you, “I am sorry ABC happened,” what they mean to say is that they don’t feel any sadness, remorse, or real feelings to show of it. They tend to do things just so that they can look good and not because they feel like it is the right thing to do. Machiavellianism is about someone using exploitation and manipulations of others to gain control or to maintain power over others. The thing with Machiavellian people is that they possess a rather cynical perception of what morality is. They think that the reason people follow morals is that they are not smart enough to figure out how to circumvent them. They are so focused on what is in it for them and how to con others just so that they can get the most out of the situation. When you think of a psychopath, the first thing that comes to mind is selfishness, impulsive behavior, lack of remorse, and breaking the law. While there are people who can’t seem to decipher social norms, rules, and regulations, a psychopath knows the difference between right and wrong but does not seem to care at all.


It’s likely due to the effects of education. More schooling builds up what neuroscientists call “cognitive reserve.” Strengthen those brain muscles early on and you have a lot more to spare when aging starts doing its withering work. Research shows cognitive reserve not only prevents the memory decline caused by normal aging but also provides a buffer against dementia.



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