Saturday 27 April 2024



Interesting question, so the answer is yes and no. What I mean is Narayan has vyuhas:-

first is Karanodakshayi Vishnu - also known as Mahavishnu, Adi Narayan, Janardana and para Vasudev. he is consort of Mahalaxmi (highest form of Laxmi also known as Parashree, Para shakti or Para Laxmi) and parambhraman. This form can never be understood by anyone. he is creator of multiverse.

second is Garbhodakshayi Vishnu - there are billions of garbhodakshayi vishnu. He is present in every universe and do his work of preservation. In his navel is a lake, and from that lake grows a lotus stem. Lord Brahma is born within that lotus. Inside the stem of the lotus are the fourteen planetary systems or 14 bhuvanloks ( अतल, वितल, सुतल, तलातल, रसातल, महातल, पाताल, भूर्लोक, भुवर्लोक, स्वर्लोक, महर्लोक, जनोलोक, तपोलो, सत्य लोक).

third is Kshirodakashayi Vishnu - he resides in Kshirsagar, or you can say Vaikunth. this form of Vishnu come in category of Tridev.

In Sanskrit one word has many meaning one meaning of ksheer is milk and another is consciousness. so, we can say that last form of Vishnu is bridge to the two other supreme form of Narayan, as he is lying in ksheer sagar meaning we have little consciousness about him. while two other forms are undiscovered.

most mantras are for pleasing Kshirodakashayi Vishnu form of supreme lord. Many texts says that in order to understand supreme lord one must awaken all his chakras and kundalini, yet he cannot be fully understood by anyone.

many texts all so describe four vyuhs of Narayan which are as follow: -

Para Vasudev (supreme lord)

Saṃkarṣaṇa (destroyer)

Pradyumna (creator)

Aniruddha (protector)


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