Saturday 27 April 2024




The miracle is the uncreated energy of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit from whom everything exists. The meaning is LOVE!


This experience of sort of emptiness but softly quickly moving particles; strong, powerfull transparent but plenty brilliant colored (just as things appear) light. Could experienced only once, no smoking, no drinking, but always convinced that Plotino, Kant, and Shopenhauer, even Cortázar and Henry Miller, were there or very close, and,of course, the great sage, Leibniz. So then, the answer had to be in a convinced practice of meditation.


Describing the one is impossible with the 26 symbols we have

Is it possible that the deeper truth of Quantum Physics isn’t weird, but we did so far not see it while it was always right in front of us. Particples don’t move, spacetime flows. And it makes it look as if there are particles running like crazy around each other for no reason, quite literally. Insane model of reality, until you get an idea that it is all happening in a dynamic field, of which its spacetime properties are NOT constant but dynamic. Like planets are not pulled anywhere but move in a straight line in space, or are at rest in spacetime, electrons are spread out over spacetime, as spacetime itself interferes with itself, at discrete spaces, that can be described mathematically through the Schodinger wave equation. So, the Schrödinger equation describes the interference of spacetime itself. When a quantum state collapses, the interference pattern of spacetime itself 0:03 is broken, as classically, things outside the light cone cannot influence each other. But that is only true in flat space. But the real world is not flat. The naterial world is, but spacetime is not flat. May I now receive the Novel Price for solving the unification of the fundamental theories? Let’s do an experiment to proof interference of spacetime and that we, material world are in a constant coherent state in a dynamic flow in space, a static interference in spacetime. Flow is not a thing in spacetime, like c is not the speed of light but the ratio of space units and time, an indication of the grid of spacetime. And is consciousness not an experience of spacetime interferences, and as such our brains contain structured spacetime. We must look for the negative of the negative to see the slide how it is one level deeper. Like DNA string: what if the leix structure uncovers the fabrication of spacetime, what we call intelligence. Intelligence is ‘t stored as bits, but in the fabric of spacetime itself and in a way, outside the brain, although the brain is encapsulated in spacetime, like Yin Yang in lineair time projection. Can we demodulate the spacetime pattern, to uncover the structure of spacetime, that we hold for atoms, molecules, cells and bodies, etc. It stops the weirdness of QM and introduces us to our true nature. If our spacetime is flat, it means that spacetime itself is closed. Thought is spacetime dynamics, received from our chosen frame of reference, and harmonic structures in spacetime itself are truths, which can be felt in the right brain when you master to get everything in your conscious system still and without disturbance. We tune in into the waves and structures of truths and values that last, in spacetime itself. Matter is a spacetime interference. Or a manifestation in consciousness, if consciousness equals the wave-like ocean of spacetime itself.


Physical systems have information in their state. The states of two interacting systems change when they interact. So computation is accomplished during interactions as information is communicated between the systems. The cosmos is made of interacting physical systems. The behavior is described by laws. Quantum systems have information based on Hilbert space of many dimensions, thus humans can't conceive that. The systems are said to know the information in their states as a human knows its experience also. Science should agree this is too high level a description, but it should be kept in mind while science advances. Federico says why one doesn't understand quantum behavior. He brings up that entities use symbols, what is observed of their state. A person experiencing is hosting symbols of what's outside him. The particle in a state won't communicate what's hidden from human conception. There is free will in a self. So a cell has the information to reproduce a replacement with the same function in supporting the rest of the organism.



Does god know what it is? How does god know there is nothing beyond itself? If everywhere I look, I only see myself manifested in infinite forms, how do I know there is nothing beyond me... that I'm not in a black box in somethings experiment. How does god know that nothing CAN exist beyond itself, that a superset manifester is impossible

Reality is a mental construct shared by many conscious observers. why metaphysical idealism should be the default position—not materialism, as such a view suffers from the hard problem of consciousness, which is an impasse, and physicalist metaphysics itself violates Occam's razor.


That doesn't make sense. Just because consciousness exists at all levels of life, you're positing that it also exists at all / some levels of non-life? That's a classic non sequitur.

The word "quantum" plays in 2024 the same role as the word "magnetism" did for Helena Blavatsky (she died in 1891),


“The problem is that you have to convince people simply by being open to having an experience. If I am successful with my logic and expression, there has to be something beyond logic that connects me with another being, even if we don’t fully understand it. This empathy shows that I cannot lie or make things up—it has to be genuine. So, they’re convinced that there’s something real in what I’m saying, something powerful. Then, they open themselves up and can have those experiences. My first Awakening experience didn’t come from making it up; it came from a genuine desire to know.”



Like the peak experience of Love you went through, in that precise day, that made you (com)participating of the understanding of a picture much bigger than what your (our) usual comprehension is. That vibrational wisdom, like Fire in your chest emanating through all your bodies (physical, mental, emotional, etc.), able to shift profoundly, radically and forever the significance of the Whole. Your whole. The awareness of you as not separated, in joy, peace and great love, as you described it, the one that allowed you to instantaneously “download” at all levels (macro to microscopic & beyond) the higher vibrations of Love that withstand reality in all dimensions. Consciousness, as you call it. Awareness & Realization, as some other call it too. The Advaita Vedanta, the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali and several other in the Western world like Plato or Plotino, put a name on what you went through. Using the Sanskrit word “Savikalpa Samadhi”, or what Yogananda would have called “Christ’s Consciousness”, they (the Wises) would have said that you, your person and your actions, are driven today by such an experience. Patanjali speaks also about the knowledge through “direct experience” (or better, through vibrational alignment with the so called object wanted to be known, until identity is made). Giving huge credit to the reasoning method of understanding and creating knowledge, but considering it limited, compared to the above mentioned way of comprehension (experiential, we could say, but in a non-dualistic way). The Vedanta, in the form of the Advaita, with Śankara, in the VIII century was able to go a step forward from the so called “Savikalpa Samadhi” state. Śankara described the obtainment of “Nirvakalpa Samadhi” = “Unity with Oneness”, to the point that all the rational conceptualizations cease to exist (no observer separated from the observation, any longer). When that happens, we understand why Plato talked the way he talked about the ultimate reality. We understand why the creation is what it is. And the concept of omniscience doesn’t infringe any longer with self awareness and free will. My relative understanding of Truth says, that It/He/She/They doesn’t need to create the physical experience/existence. It just do it because It/He/She/They can. And the existence of everything is happening out of pure love. That is, the emanation/vibration of all forms, at all levels. And the beauty is that opposites are just paradoxically included. Anyway, it is easier to cover those aspects live. So, I wish we’ll have the opportunity to clarify this in person. E a dire il vero, sono sicuro che ne avremo l’opportunità, presto. Stiamo a vedere. By the way, there was an Italian man, few years ago, able to put together the path that bring to Oneness. Like other before him. His name was Raphael. Your father, Giuseppe, had the opportunity to meet him and also published a book about Plotino, through his publishing house. Edizioni Aśram Vidya. I strongly recommend Śankara’s Vivekacudamami with Raphael comments. So, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, also commented by him. I wish you Federico and all the video spectators and readers of this comment, all the best. I wish you guys Peace. A profound One. Śanti.



The 'one life in time' misconception drives the conscious cognosentient being. Eternal returnity is the 'one life at a time' reality.


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