Monday 1 January 2024



The precursor of Christmas cards was calling cards handed out on New Year's Day by wealthy European families in the Middle Ages.


A new study finds that coffee intake is not causally related to gastric, colorectal, or esophageal cancers




When you study special relativity in undergraduate classes, you (or at least I) were regaled with talk about clocks and rulers. These are the fundamental tools for making measurements… any measurements. All the various types of measurement we make can be reduced to some length and time measurement in some sense. For example, force measurements are length measurements; some force causes some object to move this distance. The dispersion of light in a prism are velocity measurements (distance divided by time). Interferometry is a distance measurement.

In other words, all measurements require the existence of a space-time metric.

As our perception is based on sensory measurements that update our internal model of the universe, perception requires the existence of a space-time metric. That means that our perception of reality requires the existence of a space-time metric.

What does it mean for reality to exist if it cannot be perceived?

If nothing can be measured, then nothing has a position in space-time. Furthermore, you cannot even define energy and momentum in a system without space-time. That means there can be no definable physical interactions.

Reality without space-time simply makes no sense.





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