Wednesday 31 January 2024



e. I used to prioritize nutrition over everything else, but I now consider exercise to be the most potent longevity “drug” in our arsenal, in terms of lifespan and healthspan. The data are unambiguous: exercise not only delays actual death but also prevents both cognitive and physical decline, better than any other intervention. We also tend to feel better when we exercise, so it probably has some harder-to-measure effect on emotional health as well. My hope is that you will understand not only the how but the why of various types of exercise, so you will be able to formulate a program that fits your own personal goals.

evolutionary hiccup? When we link our evolutionary survival engine up to the mood train, the train can quickly build steam and momentum until it is out of control. Driven by an antsy feeling, we feel a magnetic pull to the kitchen late at night for a snack. We don’t even know if we’re hungry (and we often aren’t), we just know we want SOMETHING. We gobble down cookies in the break room not because our stomachs are grumbling but because we’re afraid of being downsized. We add another scoop to our bowl of ice cream after being ghosted by a romantic interest because nothing heals—or at least distracts from—feeling rejected like Ben & Jerry’s or Häagen-Dazs ice cream.


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