Monday 4 December 2023



ONE OFF An occasional all-nighter may be a temporary mood booster

short-term sleep loss could trigger significant alterations in the brain’s reward system, particularly through the increase of dopamine release, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and motivation.



It’s quite possible, and, if the Bundle Theory of personal identity is correct, it’s true.

Tomorrow there will be one person in the world, and only one person, who is identical to you. How should we determine who that is? Possible answers include:

  • It’s the person with the same mind. This is the Ego Theory.
  • It’s the person whose memories, beliefs, desires, intentions, and other psychological items are continuous with yours. This is the Bundle Theory.

On the Ego Theory, there is one and only one correct answer to the question of whether anyone in the world of tomorrow will be identical to you. Either there is, or there isn’t. On the Bundle Theory, however, identities can’t always be definitively distinguished from one another.


  • After it returned to Athens, the ship of Theseus was kept as a monument in the harbor. A few years went by, and some of the wooden planks that were rotting were replaced. This continued and after 100 years, none of the material originally used to build the ship was left, although the ship was exactly like the ship of Thesus 100 years earlier. What happened to the ship of Theseus?

I was fine until I reached 85 and then my body started to slow down. So I did my best to adapt because I did not want to fall and break a bone. Then along came 90 and suddenly I lost my appetite and my energy.
Now I try to keep my mind active but my body has gone to pot. I have lost a lot of weight and have gained a lot of wrinkles. I’m still battling on, though, determined to reach 100.



People talk about their ancestry line when they’re really talking about the costumer. “Who made this costume? Where did the threads come from? What kind of dyes went into this fabric? Who sewed this costume?” and then claiming association because one is “related to the costumer.”


When you understand today's physics, the answer is quite simple. I’ll break it down for you.

Due to our observations of distant objects, we have determined that the universe is expanding everywhere.

Light itself only travels at only 1 constant speed.

At some point way out there in “space itself” space is expanding faster than even light can travel. Beyond this point galaxies will slip over this so called, “event horizon” and their light will never be able to reach us and our light will never be able to reach them because of this expansion of space.

Unless we find some way to travel many, many, many times the speed of light we will never be able to know what is beyond this bubble we call an “event horizon” not too be confused with a black holes event horizon where light cannot escape.





Mind off, world stays.

Like a cosmic 24-hour diner, this place never closes. Why? Because the mind isn’t the playwright…

…it's just one actor in a messed-up improv group called "Reality." This drama’s been going on long before your neurons started firing and will keep rolling after your last exhale. Take Schrödinger's cat, both dead and alive in that box. What if the cat meditates? Achieves purr-fect stillness. Does that resolve the paradox?

Nope. Quantum uncertainty remains. Your absence doesn’t end the play…

…it just shifts the spotlight.


Fine, your mind's the projector.

Then who’s the projectionist? Who’s in the booth pulling the strings? Spoiler: It's not you. It's not even your mind.

It's the script we’re all unconsciously subscribing to. A script written in the ink of beliefs, paradigms, and a million and one concepts about how things are or should be. Take Buddha, the guy who seemingly turned off his projector. World didn't vanish. He just saw it for what it was…

…a merry-go-round of attachments, aversions, and colossal misunderstandings. Mind shut down…

…reality didn't give a damn.


From ~~~ Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, T.30
Mr. N. Natesa Iyer, the leader of the Bar in a South Indian town,
an orthodox Brahmin, asked:
“Are the gods Iswara or Vishnu and their sacred regions
Kailasa or Vaikuntha real?
As real as you are in this body.
Do they possess a vyavahara satya, i.e., phenomenal existence,
like my body? Or are they fictions like the horn of a hare?
They do exist.
If so, they must be somewhere. Where are they?
Persons who have seen them say that they exist somewhere.
So we must accept their statement.
Where do they exist?
In you.
Then it is only idea -
that which I can create and control?
Everything is like that.
All thoughts are inconsistent with realisation.
The correct state is to exclude thoughts
of ourselves and all other thoughts.
Thought is one thing and realisation is quite another.




“You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God.” - C.S. Lewis



The current record holder is a team of researchers from MIT and Harvard who cooled a cloud of sodium atoms to 500 nanokelvin in 2023 .

That's 0.0000005 kelvin, or -273.1499995 degrees Celsius, or -459.6699991 degrees Fahrenheit, colder than outer space.

But even at this ultra-low temperature, the atoms were still moving and interacting with each other through quantum effects.

They formed a state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), where they acted like one giant super-atom with weird properties.



spiritual bypassing, a term coined by John Welwood in his book Toward a Psychology of Awakening. He defines it as:

“The tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks."


 The Buddha said something along the lines of “Don’t get attached too any teachings. That includes my own teachings.”




For a small percentage of people (less than 5%, Wilber estimates), they reach the integral or higher 2nd and 3rd tier integral states. Integral means that you hold multiple perspectives and take a holistic view; you see the pros/cons of everything that has ever emerged in our societies. An integral view looks like this:

"I have one major rule: everybody is right. More specifically, everybody -- including me -- has some important pieces of the truth, and all of those pieces need to be honored, cherished, and included in a more gracious, spacious, and compassionate embrace." - Ken Wilber


The sentence that changed my life was this:

“What you reject in others, you haven’t accepted in yourself.”




  • Many lectins are proinflammatory, immunotoxic, neurotoxic and cytotoxic. Certain lectins may also increase blood viscosity, interfere with gene expression and disrupt endocrine function
  • Among the most problematic lectin-containing foods are corn, corn-fed meats, casein A1 milk, peanuts, cashews and unfermented soybeans. These are best avoided altogether
  • High-lectin foods such as legumes and grains can be made safe to eat by proper soaking and cooking. Sprouting, fermenting and removing skins and seeds will also help reduce lectins in your diet




One reason we can never rest is if we feel that we’re only as good as our next performance. But this is not true. We are as good as all our past performances. We can build on these. If we rejoice in our previous “performances” our heart feels full – for me, it feels like I’ve already done a good day’s work and that the rest of the day is a fortunate bonus.

Renunciation helps us keep samsara in perspective and not feel exhausted at the very prospect of trying to fix things

When I hit exhaustion, I find the real solution is for me to then move into renunciation. Am I trying to fix this poisonous flower garden? Am I trying to make it work? Does it keep not working?!




(book), holds significant symbolic meaning. It symbolises knowledge to overcome illusion or ignorance – the agama or the scriptures. Here's a more detailed exploration:

Brahma: Holding the sacred scriptures, Brahma's representation with the pustaka symbolizes the source of knowledge and wisdom. As the creator, Brahma is associated with the foundational texts that guide the cosmic order. As per some scholars the book in the hands of Brahma are the Vedas


Dakshinamurti: Dakshinamurti, an aspect of Lord Shiva as a teacher, holds the pustaka, emphasizing the role of divine knowledge. This depiction signifies the guru's authority in imparting spiritual wisdom – there is no second here.

Ganapati: Ganapati, the remover of obstacles, holding a pustaka highlights wisdom and learning. It symbolizes the pursuit of knowledge as a means to overcome life's challenges.


Hanuman: Hanuman, the devoted disciple of Bhagavan Sri Rama, is sometimes depicted holding a pustaka. This represents his wisdom and intelligence, especially in relation to his role in the epic Ramayana.

Hayagriva: Hayagriva, horse-head incarnation of Bhagavan Vishnu is a deity associated with knowledge and learning, is often depicted with a pustaka. It signifies divine wisdom, and Hayagriva is considered a bestower of knowledge and learning. The books also represent the Vedas.


Saraswati: Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom and learning, is commonly shown holding a pustaka. This represents the importance of education, arts, and culture in the Hindu tradition.

Vyasa: Sage Vyasa, credited with composing the Mahabharata and other scriptures, is often depicted with a pustaka. This symbolizes his role in preserving and transmitting the sacred knowledge of the Vedas and Puranas



Akshamala (Rosary): The rosary symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and death and the continuous recitation or remembrance of divine names.

Kamandalu (Water Pot): The kamandalu is a water pot carried by ascetics, representing simplicity and detachment. It symbolizes the renunciation of material desires.

Jnana Mudra (Gesture of Exposition): This hand gesture symbolizes the transmission of knowledge. It represents the teaching and sharing of wisdom.

Together, these symbols convey a holistic representation of the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and spirituality in Hinduism, emphasizing the interconnectedness of learning, devotion, and divine guidance.


Grasping, Rejecting, Desensitizing Many spiritual traditions speak of three basic tendencies that keep us tied to the wheel of suffering: the tendency to reject what is difficult or painful; the tendency to grasp onto something solid for comfort and security; and the tendency to desensitize ourselves so that we don’t have to feel the whole problem of pleasure and pain, loss and gain at all. 


experiencing all of this right now?” Without trying to think of an answer, if you look directly into the experiencer, the experiencing consciousness itself, what you find is a silent presence that has no shape, location, or form. This nameless, formless presence—in, around, behind, and between all our particular thoughts and experiences—is what the great spiritual traditions regard as our true nature, or ultimate ground, also known as the essential self or holy spirit. This is not an experience among experiences. Instead, as a radical depth of presence and transparency, it is the ground of all experience, and it is impossible to grasp with the conceptual mind.



originally coined the term spiritual bypassing in 1984, to describe a common tendency I discovered among Western spiritual seekers to use spiritual ideas and practices to avoid dealing with their emotional unfinished business


"If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity, it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high. Look it squarely in the eye, and say, 'I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.'"

-- Ann Landers


You are not a human being if your heart
is not broken each day.

— Gabor Maté


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