Tuesday 19 December 2023

Brain hardware or wetware. Consciousness is software

The intuition of a shared world: the framework illustrated in Figure 6.4 shows that, even though we do not inhabit the same physical world, we do share a common nonphysical environment—namely, mind-at-large. We are all alters of one mind, surrounded like islands by the ocean of its thoughts (ψ). Although each observer lives in its own physical world, this world is created by an interaction—perhaps an interference pattern—between ψ and the observer’s own internal state r. Therefore, insofar as the internal state r is similar across observers—a reection of our common humanity or even of the basic characteristics of life that we share with all organisms— such interaction should, at least in principle, lead to similar worlds.
• The ontological ground of information: according to the proposed framework, mind is the sole ontological primitive and ground of all reality. Information is thus given by the discernible qualities of experience, which are themselves patterns of excitation of mind. The problems of (a) why we cannot mentally inuence the laws of physics and (b) why we cannot directly access each other’s thoughts are both solved by positing dissociation to be a primary natural phenomenon

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