Tuesday 19 December 2023

A Silence

So by ones inner commitment and alignment one brings about, because what you hold in mind tends to manifest. So you hold in mind the state of consciousness to which you aspire, to which you wish to realize within yourself. Its already present, it’s just that you haven't realized it, so what you're asking for is that the blocks to that awareness be removed. Because the infinite state is not an acquisition, it’s what prevails when that which blocks its awareness is removed. When all sound stops, you don't have to create silence, silence is the basic condition, you just remove that which obscures it and then you hear the silence, and if you're spiritually evolved you hear the silence even if there is noise". 💛

~ David R. Hawkins

(From: January 2005 Lecture, Unity Church of Phoenix)



"Q: How do I best care for my alcoholic sister?

A: You surrender her / it to God and let go of wanting to control it. Trying to intervene keeps someone in pain and robs them of karmic merit. [...] If you intervene, you’re robbing her of karmic merit and of what she needs to know. She’s going to need to hit bottom, whether she knows it or not. Intervening actually increases her suffering, because every time you try to help, you change where she has to go to hit bottom; now she has to go even lower. Do you love her enough to surrender her to God? If she says, “I hate you, you’re deserting me, I’m going to kill myself,” you say, “Well, that’s between you and God.” You need the conviction,the first step in Al Anon. Otherwise, you’re serving your own ego if you say, I’ve got to go in there and intervene."

~ David R. Hawkins

(From: Sedona Seminar - April 17, 2004)


"People fall into the trap of getting even or making constant remarks. They create enemies and animosities. These preclude a peaceful life. Nobody needs enemies. They can retaliate in ways unseen and so bring on unfortunate consequences. There is no such thing as winning a conflict; that results in hatred by the loser.

The majority of domestic violence is a physical response to verbal provocation. However, in our society, victims seldom take responsibility for the provocation, temptation, or hurled insult. 

It serves spiritual progress to always accept responsibility for all that befalls one and avoid the trap of being a victim. From a higher view, there are now victims. Nothing in the world of appearances has the power to cause anything.”

💙💙💙 David R. Hawkins


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