It is well known that Mahadeva gives moksha to people in Varanasi by uttering the taraka mantra in the ears of those dying, as said in the Kashi Khanda:

Who is competent enough to describe the unlimited greatness of Kāśī where Śiva whispers (a Mantra) into the ears of a creature about to die there? Into the ear of the living being about to die, Śaṃbhu whispers that syllable on hearing which even the dead one becomes immortal.
-Skanda Purana Kāśī-khaṇḍa, Chapter 39, verses 18-19

This is part of the moksha giving process which people like Ramakrishna have actually seen. It seems that in this process, in addition to speaking the taraka mantra, there is a Bhairavi Yatana for sinful people who have not yet exhausted their sins, which finds mention by a few mutually independent sources. One such source is Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudeva who talks about Kashi Kotwal giving Bhairavi Yatana as follows:

It’s called Bhairavi Yatana. That means when the moment of death comes, for all that you have been, your whole many many lifetimes plays out, in a moment with great intensity and whatever pleasures and pains and sufferings that need to happen to you will all happen. It would’ve spread over many lifetimes but all that will happen to you in a micro-second but with the kind of intensity that you cannot hold.

