Sunday 9 January 2022





Panpsychism is not, however, synonymous with animism (everything has spirit), hylozoism (everything has life), or pantheism (everything has God). Whether a panpsychist ontology is also a hylozoist or animist one, for instance, is a further question whose answer will depend on the specific kind of panpsychism and the compatibilities and incompatibilities of the conceptions of spirit, life, and mind that are at issue.

Merleau-Ponty follows phenomenology in reconceiving consciousness as fundamentally integrated with the world. He asserts, for example, that consciousness is “presupposed everywhere as the place of ideas and everywhere interconnected as the integration of existence.”8 He also refers to consciousness as “milieu of the universe” and “universal milieu,” that which is present in each order of existence from the physical to the vital to the human.


 Merleau-Ponty tells us that “it is the mountain itself which from out there makes itself seen by the painter,”26 and he remarks of the painted wall at Lascaux that “it is more accurate to say that I see according to it, or with it, than that I see it.”27 The stroke of the painter’s brush is directed by the mountain’s self-disclosure, by the voices of the 

 23 Renaud Barbaras, The Being of the Phenomenon, trans. Leonard Lawlor and Ted Toadvine (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2003), 148. 24 Maurice Merleau-Ponty, “The Philosopher and His Shadow,” in Signs, trans. Richard C. McCleary (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1964), 159-181, p. 180. 25 Ibid., 178 26 Maurice Merleau-Ponty, “Eye and Mind,” in The Primacy of Perception, trans. Carleton Dallery (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1964), 159-190, p. 166. 27 Ibid., 164. Published in Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy, ed. Emmanuel Alloa, Frank Chouraqui, and Rajiv Kaushik, pp. 121-144 (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2019). Please quote from published version. 10 forest. 

The animals painted on the cave wall swim and run through the consciousness of the perceiver, leading her gaze. At this point in Merleau-Ponty’s thinking, the consciousness-object distinction has been cracked, leaked, compromised in a new way; it is no longer only my consciousness that lives in things following the view of The Structure of Behaviorthe thing’s consciousness also lives in me. The panpsychism question is a question about the ontological implications of this claim


Panentheism is slightly different - rather than everything being God, it's closer to say that everything is contained within God, or, better still, that everything is God, but God is still a further transcendent fact as well. Hegel is probably your best bet here, though I'd say it's still best to read Spinoza or Leibniz first to get the groundwork before tackling Hegel.








Above: The rise of angiosperms coincided with massive expansions in the biodiversity of modern plants, fungi, and animals. 


“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson



Instead of answering your question, in terms of black or white, I would go the Bayesian Way of expressing how probable it is to understand the Universe from science and from the description of non-terrestrial, non-human nature of many entities.

  1. The vedic scriptures say that there are multi-level of higher realities, out of which heaven is just one. These multi-realities are controlled by time. For some realities, the time moves very slow in some others, the time moves very fast. In physics, the nearer we goto an intense mass, such as black holes, time dilation happens and the time moves slower and much slower.
  2. The mass or the effect of mass, is experienced as the amount impedance or resistance of an energy within a Quantum Field. This resistance is almost zero for light energy in Quantum field and so it travels at the speed of light. For electrons, this impedance is considerable and this is realized as mass. So in effect all the realities are formed by energies. This is stated in many Upanishads too.
  3. While it was an important revelation by Albert Einstein, that mass transforms into energy, the reverse that energy can be converted back to mass is being researched upon. One of the indirect results in doing so is the discovery of Higgs Boson. It was postulated that the smallest mass object, Higgs Boson, would behave randomly but it too vibrates in a pattern and the physicists are still researching if Higgs Boson could still be sub-divided. The main experiment was to find the anti-matter. The Vedic scriptures say that the supreme controller is smaller than the smallest and bigger than the biggest and controls everything from inside and from outside too at the same instant. One another example is the “Quark asymmetries hint at physics beyond the Standard Model”
Key witness helps scientists detect 'spooky' quantum entanglement in solid materials
Quantum entanglement occurs when two particles appear to communicate without a physical connection, a phenomenon Albert Einstein famously called "spooky action at a distance." Nearly 90 years later, a team led by the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory demonstrated the viability of a "quantum entanglement witness" capable of proving the presence of entanglement between magnetic particles, or spins, in a quantum material.

The above hints at the existence of even fundamental control/force which the scientists are yet to come to terms with.

4. The spooky behavior of electrons and quantum entanglement theories, though counter-intuitive for human brains, are proved right and the principle of superposition has paved the way for Quantum Computing. The essence of this shall be expressed as the probability of the super controlling force that is omnipresent. It exists at the same time at all the places.

5. The creation of a mass from energy is something that we do not know but math and physics find no problems in creating mass from energy.

6. Blackholes are the objects which constitute the intersection of quantum effects with macro/gravity theory inside the event horizon. Very recently, a few scientists have expressed the possibility of proof to what could be termed as the no-memory of particle paradox( please apologize, it is the one which was postulated by Stephen Hawkins), to be wrong. The memory of the mass, speed etc of the matter that constitute the blackhole is persisted. So, these inside-blackhole mass particles could be termed as FIFTH STATE of matter. There is no restriction of such a philosophy from Vedic Scriptures. They explain that there are multiple worlds with multiple realities. Some of them are under the governance of time while the others are not and are eternal.

7. For the puzzle of consciousness, which the physicists are researching, if at all any exists, the fundamental theory that talks about the reality and existence in Scriptures separates Consciousness as one of the fundamentals of law of nature, in addition to Length, Mass and Time. The reason why scientists are curious is to know how the at the quantum level, particles behave when observed and when not being observed. This is beyond the old thought of the theory that observation changes the state. The new observation as per the physicists do not change the state of the observable. In addition, the scriptures say that the consciousness is just a contained by the mass. In higher order beings, the consciousness is contained by a container that has nothing to do with mass. So when a heavenly being reaches earth, actually it is the holographic projection and so the legs of the beings do not touch the earth. Also, these consciousness could be at the same instant possess multiple contained masses.

8. There is another theory that the speed with which one could travel just alone can not be speed of light, but could be greater too. Its a plausible theory.

9. Travelling in speeds more than light is possible by mathematical theory of warp drives, by surfing on the gravitational waves. It uses the principle of positive and negative energy.

10. The recent studies and research show that the universe in fact did not start from nothing. It started from a previous state ending into a singularity and then big bang happened. This expresses possibility that all the things are following cycles.

Note: I am not a Physicist but I follow the researched articles and have reproduced what I have understood. I shall provide the factual data soon. If there is something wrong in my facts, please correct. If you are a propagandist, severely political and anti-anything, you are not welcome to give me suggestions, unless you give me proper facts.


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