Saturday 15 January 2022








I never believed all this talk about chakras - until I met Babuji for the first time. Even though I was an intense seeker, I was also a scientific thinker. I always needed proof before I would believe something.

In 1980, I heard Babuji was coming to Munich, Germany. I had experienced his unique method of transmission already for 6 years. As I have told elsewhere on Quora, our first meeting was like nothing I had experienced. It was like being engulfed in a beautiful state of divinity. However, what I didn’t tell in that story…

We made our way to the back yard. There were glass doors that opened into the back of the house. Someone waved for us to come in. I opened the door and stepped into the packed room. Babuji was seated immediately to my right. Our group of eight young Americans made our way past him and I took a seat on the floor in the back of the room.

Babuji said nothing. He just radiated this pure energy field. He would just look around the room occasionally gazing directly at someone as though he was looking right through them.

After about 10 minutes of this, Babuji suddenly looked directly at me. Immediately a point in my lower left side was engulfed in energy. This quickly moved to the right side - another point began vibrating. This moved diagonal upwards to another point and then right again. This continued in rapid succession up my throat into my forehead and above to the top of my head. Each point or chakra was illumined from the heart to all the way over the top of my head to the base of my skull.

This entire process happened in less than 4 seconds!

I was transformed completely. Deep inside I knew - Babuji had seen my soul from the very beginning - and everything after that had been totally changed.

My science mind may have still found a way to question the validity of chakras, except for one thing - every single point was exactly in the position Babuji had shown in a diagram in one of his books.

This was one of many transformations I was fortunate to experience in the presence of Babuji and his successor, Parthasarathi.

Some people wonder about the need for a Master to guide you - it all depends on the capacity of the Master. If you are fortunate to find one who knows the path inside out, your progress can go at light speed~

Babuji’s eyes were amazing - like big mirrors that reflected the universe.

Babuji made many trainers as well as a succession of guides that continue to impart this method of yogic transmission. If this type of training is of interest to you please message me through my profile page. Babuji said, “Spirituality can’t be sold.” This method is always free.



Just after starting the meditation most times I get thoughts from the past day or two about things which need to be attended to. As I point my attention towards the divine light in 5 or 10 minutes these thoughts get reduced and I get into absorption in the thought on the divine light. When I orient myself well before the meditation I get into absorption soon after starting the meditation.




Ashramites at Isha Yoga Center can choose to go into silence for up to 7 days. During this time, there is no communication at all, not even by using gestures or making eye contact. There is a specially designed schedule to follow, which includes intense sadhana. This is a perfect time to shut out all external stimuli and look within. “Three days brought me such balance and stillness leaving me simply happy by my own nature.” - Sai Chand, 29, Texas, USA “Somehow in silence, I became aware of those things that I am normally completely unaware of and yet which pop up in my every action, and affect me so much. The blocks I have to clear became suddenly clear.” – Pallavi, 25, Mumbai


It would be awesome if one is going to be silent for the rest of his life. Finally after silence, one has to come back to the noisy, dingy world where the fruit of that silence will get wasted and rotten. It is simply an excercise in personal endurance. Nothing more and nothing less.

A true meditator can meditate in the marketplace and truly enlightened beings are always silent in the noisiest of surroundings.




What is the difference between consciousness and awareness?

Consciousness needs a) a person who is conscious of a thing and b) the thing that the person is conscious about.

Awareness is consciousness in abstraction, that is devoid both of the person and the thing.

In other words, Awareness is the Truth, the non-duality, the Atman. When the same is perceived in duality, and through the mind, it is consciousness.

For practical meditation purposes, being conscious of the consciousness itself could be called as Awareness.



What's the difference between conceptualizing nonduality and directly experiencing nonduality?

Obviously, it is impossible to ‘directly experience nonduality,’ because that would require an ‘experiencer’ (subject) and this object (nonduality) he/she was experiencing. Instant duality!:-)

Ya’ can’t have nonduality both ways! 🤣🤣

Nonduality is a descriptive word, and as such, just one more concept. “The Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao” - Lao Tze.

Human minds are very good at ‘conceptualizing’ in the only way they can - subject/object. So the illusory “me” can surely talk about, describe, analyze and hold forth about nonduality.

At some non-point in ‘non-time’ the illusion of a separate “me” may suddenly, stunningly and unexpectedly be burnt to a crisp (through no cause, action or ‘practices’ by that illusion,) and the ashes scattered to the wind. Or at least, that may appear to have happened. To a “someone.” It actually non-happened, to no-one. Since there was only One, never a ‘separate one’ in the first place.

With the illusion of the ‘separate human’ gone, there is just What Is, Life Itself. One. The ‘person’ will not be ‘directly experiencing nonduality,’ because there is no ‘person’ there, and never was.

Yet, if “they” appear to still be alive in a body, “others” may come up to them and ask “What happened/is happening to “you?” Most will be silent, because there is no-one left and no words to say. However, if pressed, “they” may try to describe it a bit, and thus demean the ‘actuality’ of nonduality back into concepts. Totally, hopelessly inadequate concepts.

Pressed more, “they” may try to explain further, and even lay out a ‘path,’ whereby the “others’ pressing them may also ‘directly experience nondualty.” 😂

Thus will be born Buddha & Buddhism, VedaVyasa & the Vedas, Adi Shankara & Advaita Vedanta, Patanjali & YogaSutras and all other sorts of ‘methods,’ manuals and meaningless ‘means’ to Oneness (haha, there already is only Oneness) and ‘enlightenment.’ Perpetuating and amplifying the illusion of ‘teachers’ and ‘seekers’ who desperately believe “they,’ too, can eventually ‘directly experience nonduality.’ 🤣

All ‘at play in the nondual fields of the One.’


“The Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao”.



KARMA (kr = action + ma = metric) simply means the “metric of action” and refers to the law of cause and effect on both the physical as well as the metaphysical level.


  • Every action has consequences both physical and moral.
  • A negative act has negative consequences.
  • A positive act has positive consequences.


(a) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

(b) Do not treat others as you would not like to be treated

Expected Outcomes

Compassion, kindness, honesty, reliability, cooperation, solidarity, justice etc.


K Chulla Kamma Vibhanga Sutta. B 

Bhikkhu Khantipalo

You want: long life, health, beauty, power, riches, high birth, wisdom? Or even some of these things? They do not appear by chance. It is not someone's luck that they are healthy, or another's lack of it that he is stupid. Though it may not be clear to us now, all such inequalities among human beings (and all sorts of beings) come about because of the kamma they have made individually. Each person reaps his own fruits. So if one is touched by short life, sickliness, ugliness, insignificance, poverty, low birth or stupidity and one does not like these things, no need to just accept that that is the way it is. The future need not be like that provided that one makes the right kind of kamma now. Knowing what kamma to make and what not to make is the mark of a wise man. It is also the mark of one who is no longer drifting aimlessly but has some direction in life and some control over the sort of events that will occur.




#####################LUCKINESS OF DTH

Dawkins writes:

We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here. We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred?



Toward the end of the novel, Mr g watches, with heartache unknown in the Void predating the existence of universes and of life, an old woman on her deathbed, the film of her long and painful and beautiful life unspooling from the reel of memory, leaving her grief-stricken by its terminus, shuddering with defiant disbelief that this is all.

“How can a creature of substance and mass fathom a thing without substance or mass?” wonders Mr g as he sorrows watching her succumb to the very laws he created. “How can a creature who will certainly die have an understanding of things that will exist forever?”

And then, as a faint smile washes across her face, she does die. Lightman writes:

At that moment, there were 3,​147,​740,​103,​497,​276,​498,​750,​208,​327 atoms in her body. Of her total mass, 63.7 percent was oxygen, 21.0 percent carbon, 10.1 percent hydrogen, 2.6 percent nitrogen, 1.4 percent calcium, 1.1 percent phosphorous, plus a smattering of the ninety-odd other chemical elements created in stars.

In the cremation, her water evaporated. Her carbon and nitrogen combined with oxygen to make gaseous carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, which floated skyward and mingled with the air. Most of her calcium and phosphorous baked into a reddish brown residue and scattered in soil and in wind.

But then we see that every atom belonging to her — or, rather, temporarily borrowed by her — truly does belong to everything and everyone, just as you and I are now inhaling the same oxygen atoms that once inflated Walt Whitman’s lungs with the lust for life:

Released from their temporary confinement, her atoms slowly spread out and diffused through the atmosphere. In sixty days’ time, they could be found in every handful of air on the planet. In one hundred days, some of her atoms, the vaporous water, had condensed into liquid and returned to the surface as rain, to be drunk and ingested by animals and plants. Some of her atoms were absorbed by light-utilizing organisms and transformed into tissues and tubules and leaves. Some were breathed in by oxygen creatures, incorporated into organs and bone.



he adds:

Pregnant women ate animals and plants made of her atoms. A year later, babies contained some of her atoms… Several years after her death, millions of children contained some of her atoms. And their children would contain some of her atoms as well. Their minds contained part of her mind.

Will these millions of children, for generations upon future generations, know that some of their atoms cycled through this woman? It is not likely. Will they feel what she felt in her life, will their memories have flickering strokes of her memories, will they recall that moment long ago when she stood by the window, guilt ridden and confused, and watched as the tadr bird circled the cistern? No, it is not possible. Will they have some faint sense of her glimpse of the Void? No, it is not possible. It is not possible. But I will let them have their own brief glimpse of the Void, just at the moment they pass from living to dead, from animate to inanimate, from consciousness to that which has no consciousness. For a moment, they will understand infinity.

And the individual atoms, cycled through her body and then cycled through wind and water and soil, cycled through generations and generations of living creatures and minds, will repeat and connect and make a whole out of parts. Although without memory, they make a memory. Although impermanent, they make a permanence.

Although scattered, they make a totality. 


 The shape of God is the shape of everything in the universe!
—Richard Rohr


God is love, which means relationship itself.
—Richard Rohr


The Trinity is infinite outpouring and infinite infilling without end. It can only be experienced as a flow, as a community, as a relationship, as an inherent connection.
—Richard Rohr



Babuji Maharaj 




Drop the body before the body drops you!

by  | Jan 6, 2022 | Ashtavakra GitaBirthBodyDeathKarmaNo-MindSamadhiSelfVedic

Question :

In Asthavakra 8, you said, at death, the body gets tired of you and drops you. Is it not the other way around? When karma is exhausted the Purusha drops the Prakriti. Isn’t it true? Please help to clarify.


Answer :

Death of body does not equal to the exhaustion of karma. To understand this first you need to understand what life really is?

Equation of life:

Life = Birth + Death + Birth + Death + Birth + Death +….. Infinity

In this entire equation, one really teeny-tiny part is the birth of the (current) body, and one teeny-tiny part is the death of the (current) body. You have taken thousands of such bodies in the past and will take thousands in the future.

 How can your karma get exhausted at the end of every body in the equation unless you are already enlightened? Are you? 🙂

If your karma would have gotten exhausted, your equation would end at death of every body and you would not take another body out of bondage. You would have been given a choice whether you wanted to be born or not in the physical realm of existence. Did you receive this offer of choosing?

Understand that one takes a body only because the karmas are not exhausted yet. You go through all experiences of life based on your karma account.

At death the body gets tired of you and drops you. Why?

Because the body is elastic, it has a certain range of elasticity. It cannot work beyond that particular range. This means that this body can last only 80, 90, or 100 years. If you are a lucky, the body can last up to a maximum of 200 yrs, but it is a rare occurrence. But your Karmas don’t exhaust because your wishes/desires/wants are not exhausted. If your wishes/desires/wants keep increasing, you will keep creating more and more Karma. You will never be able to exhaust all of that Karma in the 80, 90 or 100 years of this body’s span. So obviously at the end of its elasticity range, this body gives up on you. You are a lost cause for it. The body knows that you will be never be able to extinguish the chain-smoking of Karma that you are so addicted to. That’s why Gurudev said the body gets tired of you and drops you.

A wise one drops the body before the body drops him.

How can you drop the body? Not suicide but “By Meditation”…….. “By Samadhi”.

Samadhi means when you go into the deepest meditation and experience absolute pure nothingness and dissolve in the pure state of “NO MIND”.

When you experience the pure state of thoughtlessness, a deep silence overtakes you where there is no body, no mind, no intellect, no memory, no ego. You are just pure energy. That state is called Samadhi.

When you start vibrating in the pure energy of YOUR SELF, you are not bound by the body anymore. It is also called ‘dropping the body’.

So be wise! You drop the body before the body drops you!









Krishna: Prabhupada, my disciple, has explained it very clearly in his commentary on the Gita. Think about it for a moment. Raising cows fulfills the four aims of life. Through the cow, one earns wealth (artha), righteousness (dharma), desire (kama), and salvation (moksha).



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