Thursday 6 January 2022




Beginner’s mind is Zen practice in action. It is the mind that is innocent of preconceptions and expectations, judgments and prejudices.

Blanche Hartman, “The Zen of Not Knowing”



Same soul, many different lives, over and over.

BW - I know that there is a reason for everything. Perhaps at the moment that an event occurs we have neither the insight nor the foresight to comprehend the reason, but with time and patience it will come to light.

.......After a while I began to regress her, asking her to recall memories of progressively earlier ages. She was able to talk and to answer my questions while maintaining a deep level of hypnosis. She remembered a traumatic experience at the dentist that occurred when she was six years old. She vividly remembered the terrifying experience at age five when she was pushed from a diving board into a pool. She had gagged and choked then, swallowing some water, and while talking about it she began to gag in my office. I suggested to her that the experience was over, that she was out of the water. The gagging stopped, and she resumed her normal breathing. She was still in a deep trance. 

.............“There are big waves knocking down trees. There’s no place to run. It’s cold; the water is cold. I have to save my baby, but I cannot … just have to hold her tight. I drown; the water chokes me. I can’t breathe, can’t swallow … salty water. My baby is torn out of my arms.” Catherine was gasping and having difficulty breathing. Suddenly her body relaxed completely, and her breathing became deep and even. “I see clouds…. My baby is with me. And others from my village. I see my brother.” She was resting; this lifetime had ended. She was still in a deep trance. 

I was stunned! Previous lifetimes? Reincarnation? My clinical mind told me that she was not fantasizing this material, that she was not making this up. Her thoughts, her expressions, the attention to particular details, all were different from her conscious state. The whole gamut of possible psychiatric diagnoses flashed through my mind, but her psychiatric state and her character structure did not explain these revelations. Schizophrenia? No, she had never had any evidence of a cognitive or thinking disorder. She had never experienced any auditory hallucinations of hearing voices, visual hallucinations or visions while awake, or any other type of psychotic episodes. She was not delusional, nor was she out of touch with reality. She did not have multiple or split personalities. There was only one Catherine, and her conscious mind was totally aware of this. She had no sociopathic or antisocial tendencies. She was not an actress. She did not use drugs, nor did she ingest hallucinogenic substances. Her use of alcohol was minimal. She had no neurological or psychological illnesses that could explain this vivid, immediate experience while hypnotized. These were memories of some sort, but from where? My gut reaction was that I had stumbled upon something I knew very little about— reincarnation and past-life memories. It couldn’t be, I told myself; my scientifically trained mind resisted it. Yet here it was, happening right before my eyes. I couldn’t explain it, but I couldn’t deny the reality of it either


KY RK- Secrets don't help people realize Self-knowledge.  Practice does.  It is a long standing tradition to keep things secret that are considered special. I'm no longer interested in this tradition or supporting that false belief. If we can practice intelligently it is good.  If we have a mentor that can help that is good too.  It's always good to learn from a skillful, experienced and successful person, in any field.  But there is no use in believing anymore that there is a special lineage when God is and animates all.  I have seen no direct correlation between the level of realization of one who learned these techniques secretly through initiation and one who was simply sincere and practiced Kriya Yoga intelligently daily.  It is time to take full responsibility for our Self-knowledge instead of looking outside of ourselves for an excuse to experience it.

............. root base of spine perineum area. 2nd, genital and slightly above pubic bone. Third... navel...

.............1st Lam, 2nd Vam, 3rd Ram, 4th Yam, 5th Ham, 6th Sham and 7th OM but in your teachings the last one is Bum.

...........What about in the case of more chronic illness? Is it correct that a chronic illness patient can never do the kriya pranayama?

Kriya Yoga Online with Ryan Kurczak
All cases are different. But generally, if it's not possible, one can always do the preliminary techniques especially alternate nostril breathing, and if not that... Ramana Maharshi's self-inquiry is perfect.






Every now and then a man's mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions.





The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” ~Eckhart Tolle


what next culture

So much about life in our culture right now has become about the next thing. The next project. The next promotion. The next vacation. The next experience. We’ve become obsessed with growth as it pertains to results, achievement, and living a respected, successful life.


be ok with pain and not suffer through it


Most teachings I've received on this topic say to just let yourself be in pain, rather than trying to avoid it or make it go away.

As an aid to this, you can contemplate how experiencing pain is the ripening and exhaustion of negative karma. In this way you can avoid becoming dejected, and instead can be more accepting of your pain, even welcoming of it.


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