Sunday 17 October 2021







 Eastern Christianity has maintained mysticism in ways Western Christians have not.

The churches associated with Eastern Christianity include the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox churches, the Eastern Catholic churches, and the Church of the East churches. They’ve continued to emphasize the link between mysticism and theology in ways that Western churches have not. These churches have even retained a tradition of mystical prayer that dates back to the very beginnings of the Christian tradition. 



he path to mysticism is threefold.

Traditionally, Christian mystics have described the path to mysticism as threefold: purification, illumination, and unification, corresponding to the body, soul, and spirit, respectively. Sometimes, these three aspects are referred to as purgative, illuminative, and unitive.

12. Step #1: Purification

Aspiring Christian mystics must begin at purification. This vital element of mysticism emphasizes discipline. This includes prayer at certain times and in certain positions, fasting, and almsgiving (which could also include such activities as volunteering at a homeless shelter or food bank). These Christ-like activities are said to be the “result of the Spirit working in the person, and is not a result of personal deeds.”

13. Mysticism cannot be attained without purification.

According to Evelyn Underhill, the author of numerous books about Christian mysticism, purification is about becoming aware of one’s personal imperfections and finiteness. The purification stage requires both self-discipline and mortification of sorts. When purification has been achieved, the new mystic will have earned a kind of salvation that refers to full healing and restoration to health of the spiritual, psychological, and physical.

14. Step #2: Illumination

The second step on the path to mysticism is illumination. During this step, God (or the Holy Spirit or Absolute) enlightens the mind with truths that cannot be found in scripture or anywhere else in the Christian tradition. But these aren’t just any truths. According to author Evelyn Underhill, these truths have to deal with “a transcendent order and a vision of a new heaven and a new earth.” In other words, what is illuminated has to do with aspects of reality that traditionally only God can perceive.

15. Step #3: Unification

The third step on the path to mysticism is unification, which can also be referred to as “infused contemplation,” “higher contemplation,” or “Mystical Contemplative Prayer.” Whatever one chooses to call it, this step involves becoming united in some way with God. Though mystics throughout history have reported different specific experiences when it comes to unification, each report agrees that the union unites the mystic with God’s divine love. As stated in 1 John 4:16, “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God and God in him.”




Historically, unification occurs in one of four ways.

Throughout history, mystics have reported experiencing unification in one of four ways:

  • ecstatic union (á la Teresa of Avila)
  • transforming deifying union (the appearance of stigmata, as in the case of St. Francis of Assisi)
  • prayer of quiet
  • and prayer of union


Some mystics insist the path to mysticism has five steps.

Though most agree the path to mysticism has three phases, there are some who insist on two additional steps. The first of these additional steps is the awakening. During this time, the aspiring mystic begins to understand that there is an Absolute or divine reality worthy of fully understanding. Awakening is then followed by purification. 

The second of these additional steps is often called “the dark night of the soul,”  a compelling phrase inspired by the language of St. John of the Cross. Only a fortunate few experience the dark night of the soul, which is described as the final “surrender to the hidden purposes of the divine will.” It is usually accompanied by confusion, helplessness, and an awareness that God’s presence has withdrawn. 


Within Christian mysticism, two general tendencies can be identified.

These two general tendencies are Apophatic Theology and Cataphatic Theology. Apophatic, meaning “stillness” or “imageless,” seeks to understand what God is not. This is the vein of mysticism written about in the anonymous Medieval work The Cloud of Unknowing. On the other hand is Cataphatic, meaning “imaging God.” Cataphatic Theology is about understanding God by coming to know what He is, and is the type of mysticism favored by such figures as Dame Julian, St. Francis of Assisi, and St. Ignatius Loyola.


psy People who are inhibited as children tend to grow up into reserved introverts, research finds.

Inhibition as a child involves cautious, fearful and avoidant behaviour towards unfamiliar objects, people and situations.


"The East indeed possesses immense hoards of knowledge which the West has scarcely begun to explore."






"Yes! I am going forth to discover America, like Columbus. He thought he had found India; surely there is a karmic link between those two lands!"

ky I prayed and prayed, muffling my sobs. No answer came. My silent petition increased in excruciating crescendo until, at noon, I had reached a zenith; my brain could no longer withstand the pressure of my agonies. If I cried once more with an increased depth of my inner passion, I felt as though my brain would split. At that moment there came a knock outside the vestibule adjoining the Gurpar Road room in which I was sitting. Opening the door, I saw a young man in the scanty garb of a renunciate. He came in, closed the door behind him and, refusing my request to sit down, indicated with a gesture that he wished to talk to me while standing. "He must be Babaji!" I thought, dazed, because the man before me had the features of a younger Lahiri Mahasaya. He answered my thought. "Yes, I am Babaji." He spoke melodiously in Hindi. "Our Heavenly Father has heard your prayer. He commands me to tell you: Follow the behests of your guru and go to America. Fear not; you will be protected." After a vibrant pause, Babaji addressed me again. "You are the one I have chosen to spread the message of Kriya Yoga in the West. Long ago I met your guru Yukteswar at a Kumbha Mela; I told him then I would send you to him for training.


Years sped by



"'Child,' the master said, though apparently I was nearly twice his own age, 'for the faults of the many, judge not the whole. Everything on earth is of mixed character, like a mingling of sand and sugar. Be like the wise ant which seizes only the sugar, and leaves the sand untouched. Though many sadhus here still wander in delusion, yet the mela is blessed by a few men of Godrealization.'

################## LM 


DTH : Facing the north, and thrice revolving the body, are parts of a Vedic rite used by masters who know beforehand when the final hour is about to strike for the physical body. The last meditation, during which the master merges himself in the Cosmic AUM, is called the maha, or great, samadhi.













The knowledge of Brahma, the ultimate Self, is attained by the practice of Kriya pranayama.
Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasaya

Silence is not a temporary absence of noise. For the Seeker of Truth silence begins with silencing all personal wants, all personal desires connected with the seeker of well-being. All desires about life except the desire for Liberation, Truth, God. But Truth, God, not as a means for something that has a circumstantial meaning. But Truth as the End Itself. Silencing all wants and desires, staying in that place of freedom from the character, freedom from investments. That is the silence. That is needed to start with.
Sriman Narayana ~


Very few things have so much effect on the feeling inside a room as the sun shining into it.


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