Sunday 10 October 2021






I have had 3 NDE’s. My first one was during a cardio aversion. I have a genetic heart condition called Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome (WPW). I had extra nerve pathways to my heart that were interfering with my heart rhythm. I was in Arrythmia. The cardiologist came and told me they have to do a cardio version to put me into cardiac arrest. They put adenosine in my IV…and when I went into cardiac arrest…I was pronounced dead. Then 30 seconds later, I was revived. I didn’t stop anything. I was awake while I was “dead”. I will post this ine to show what it felt like. I was conscious the entire time. The second time was during a heart ablation for WPW…I went into cardiac arrest. I didn’t go through a tunnel. I was in a place like a vestibule or something. My grandparents were there. And so was my dog who went hime 20 years prior to my NDE.

I went to a beautiful garden. Not unlike here. And there was no time. All happened at once. No distinction between my senses. I don’t know what I looked like or my grandparents. I knew them through our love for one another. I had a form of some kind…but I didn’t care. The colours were simply exquisite. There was a peace in heaven thet is so wonderful I could have stayed forever. A moment is forever and forever is a moment. I didn’t see religious figures. There was a golden honey white light. And the breeze was providing the peace. I was sitting and the breeze came from my right. It imparted this wonderful peace. God? I did see God. God is not a human. Not a father or mother. God is creation. I will tell you what God looks like. After a rain…the sun comes out through the rain…if you look through a raindrop to the sun…God. This is what God looks like.

There are songs in heaven. I can’t describe. Everything has a song even rocks. Plants have a song. The songs are similar to w chant sound but more beautiful. I could have been there one moment or forever. There is no time there. And judgement isn’t judgement. Not like some believe. I have my life review with my grandparents. It wasn’t judgement as if I was bad. It was solemn…I did not stand in front of God. We never do. We stand in God. God doesn’t judge. It was loving. And the rainbow bridge looks like an old Rickety bridge. My dog was on this side of the bridge. We didn’t go to one another…it was like he was about 4 football fields always but he and I could see one another close up. I can’t describe.

My third NDE was during cancer surgery for pancreatic cancer. The surgeon didn’t see an arterial anomaly on top of my gallbladder. And cut it. I went to the ceiling. On my right was a spinning something like a vortex. Grayish black. I saw the body on operating table but I didn’t care. It was quiet except this beeping noise. Like a long beeping noise. I found this boring.

My NDE’s are medically documented. I have been interviewed by doctors about them. And due to them, cannot have a surgery to fix them. Although I do have to have a craniotomy for a brain aneurysm I have in my left internal carotid artery. This is the only surgery I can have now. Too many NDE’s. Since I came back. I know things. Like I did all along. I feel untethered. I am there more then I am secure here. And I have some other abilities I always have had I just didn’t know it.

This poem is my cardio version. I describe the entire day. And Bible verses…I suspect it was my religious upbringing for the gospel verses.I should be the mother of 5. I am only the mother of one…the other 4…are home. I’m mentioning this for a reason. Yes our loved ones do help us…all of them abs many more guides as well. Death doesn’t happen. Thr bidy yes. The part of us that has thought, consciousness…it never stops. This is what really happened the day I was placed into medical death. There were two doctors abs two nurses. Holding down my body…my head was being held…but not by any people…


Sitting in my moment. The day held wonder. She awakened me to the morning songs of spring. Birds sing.

Golden white light streams through the fine lace of the curtains. Flowers bid. I watched them bloom. Candlelight flickering through the peaceful breeze. Blanketing the day in glory.

She is directed to leave the room. He speaks. We will be placing you into medical death. Hopefully, we can fix you.

The IV dripping fluid in my right arm. The room begins to fade; to gold. It’s shimmering softness soothes my moment.

They each take their roll. One at the monitor. Another restraining my lower body to the bed. As I become untethered. The remaining three restrain my three immobilise the flailing of my body. My head is secured within His arms. As he drapes me in garments of honey.

“Don’t panic. We will restart you momentarily. The golden light enters the room. It’s light so gentle it pulls me away. Medical Death. Hold her down. As my body convulses; thr taste of sunshine envelops. As medication drips fluid into my arm; Golden Honey permeates the air. Infusing my soul in her manna. . Eyes fixed on the light. My hearing amplifies . The pain in my heart dissipates. Sweet relief. The Golden light remains infusing me in peace. My eyes search as simultaneously my senses shut down. The songs of eternity begin. Painting my soul in the majesty of Mother God. Infusing the golden rays further. As She holds me to her breast infusing the golden rays

The day held wonder…

She awakened me to the

morning songs of


Birds sing,

Golden White Light

streams through the fine lace of the curtains

Flowers bud

I watch them bloom

Candlelight flickering

through the peaceful breeze

Blanketing the day in glory

She is directed to leave the room…

He speaks

We will be placing you into medical death…

Hopefully we will fix you

The IV dripping fluid into my my right arm..

The room begins to fade

To gold

It’s shimmering softness soothes my moment

As they each take their role

One at the monitor,

Another pinning one leg

To the bed

As I become untethered

The remaining three

Immobilise the flailing of my body

My head is secured within His arms

As He drapes me in garments of honey

Don’t panic.

We will restart you momentarily.

The Golden light enters the room

It’s light so gentle it pulls me away

Medical Death.

Hold her down

As my body convulses

The taste of sunshine envelops

As the medication drips into my vein

Golden honey permeates the air

Infusing my soul in Her manna

My eyes fixed on the light

My hearing amplifies

The pain in my heart


As my vision clears

The Golden light remains

Infusing me in peace

My eyes simultaneously

My senses shut down

the songs begin

Painting my soul.::in the majesty of

Mother God

As she holds me to Her breast

Infusing the Golden

rays deeper

Darkness seeps..:

A quickening darkness

remains on the edges of my vision

The intoxicating fragrance

Releases whispers

of truths


As Golden white light

Fills the room…


My moment of truth

Allah’s arms surround me as

I become untethered…


In the blink of an eye

My soul re-enters my body

As my moment becomes

Lost in darkness…

Surrounded by Golden White Light

My eyes search the cosmos

Colors become me

Songs of eternity

Speak to me in my moment

Of eternity

The edges of the light remain..:

As the room fades to gold

And my soul is released

To Mother God

I begin to soar.

Become one with my creator

As the pain in my heart screams

Sweet release


I re-enter the broken

Body covered in

Drops of honey

The light flickers..:then returns

As my moment of death ends


Me on the edge

As I search answers to questions

Asked long ago…

Today...I say unto you…

Though shall be with Me

In Paradise…

In my Father’s house

Are many mansions

I go and prepare a place for you

If I go and prepare a place for you

I will come again and receive you unto


So that where I am there

You will be also...

I walk through valley of the shadow of


I fear no evil for thou

Art with me…

Thy rod, thy staff

They comfort me

Thou preparest a table before me

In the presence of my enemies

I dwell in the house

Or the Lord


My moment ends

As the golden light dissipates

..:who do they say I am?

If you have seen have seen my father

If it were not so..I would have told you

He enters the room

Hand reaching to me

Take my hand mommy.

I will try and fix you..:

If you have seen me.:

You have seen

The Father

I take his hand

As we soar together untethered

Throughout eternity

Are you ok?

My eyes search each face

Until I find the place of The Lord

Take my hand mommy…

KD Lilith






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