Wednesday 13 October 2021


 Eating slowly helps people lose twice as much weight, a study has found.







Yes, There are as many ways as there are people seeking!

There are certain core ideas that have helped many seekers since thousands of years such as meditation, devotion, and contemplation.

But, this ‘seeking beyond’ is a creative process. Every enlightened birth has been unique.

Think of Jesus Christ and ShriRamakrishna Paramahamsa. They realised the same truth but look at their journeys.

Still, Can we scope their journey as a path, as a technique.

In fact, can we ever scope this grand journey of eternal quitting, this dancing your way in the abyss, can we scope this to a technique, a path, a methodology that works ?

All techniques are to trick the mind so it realises the obsessions with its distortions.

Once the mind is able to self-reflect on this limitation, the work of meditation and techniques are mostly over.

Now, you are a poem, and techniques are ugly and useless anymore.

Now, you are yourself and you just sing your song.

Enlightenment as a purpose is gone too. Because the mind that wanted it is gone, and along with it the idea is gone too.

Now, there is nothing anymore, and you yourself are the song that you are listening to in amusement.

Yes, besides meditation, there are many methods, and start composing your own music.





This individual sense of self begins as we enter the world and are given a name. Growing up we are surrounded by constant information confirming that we have a distinct personality / character. Conditioned to live a specific identity never lets in a slight hint of connectedness. Our environment feeds in to this making it believable.

Be aware that this question arises from the separate self. A dual view desires to understand non-duality. A never ending cycle.

Who knows not of separation walks not in doubt nor swings between real and illusion. Oneness sees nothing but itself.


There is no need to change anything.

“Within” is just your imagination, your expectation.

You will never feel somewhere “within”.

Don´t expect any perceptual change. You will never be different.

All you need to do is to realize that you are concious.

Being aware means to be concioius about everything, including your body.

Just be aware of feelings, emotions, sounds, tastes, touches, sights…

Awareness is aware of all of those.

At the end of the day, what is left?

Just knowing of seeing, touching, tasting, hearing, feeling….

And in these all world is present.

There is nothing left outside of knowing of it.

Focus on that knowing and you are closer to your home.


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