Saturday 17 July 2021



Even Krishna told Arjuna not to waver in his duty as a warrior. Sometimes householders have to go to war with the bugs.


ky Atma Kriya Yoga brings each action into awareness of the soul, those Kriyas are also known as Bhakti Kriyas, Love in action . The consciousness is gradually brought into the Divine, the body becomes our temple, each action, a worship:

“Even if you are sitting and talking, let it be a prayer. Even if you are joking, let it be a prayer. You are dancing, let it be a prayer. You are eating, let it be a prayer. “ — Paramahamsa Vishwananda
Life is a divine gift… becoming conscious of this reality is the yogi path



If you think there’s a “you,” an individual body-mind that is “separate”from Pure Being, Pure Consciousness, you will definitely have a chance to have more of these illusory body-minds.

It’s unlikely you will have the same face, or same culture, time, beliefs, or language - because there isn’t really a “you.” It’s all just Consciousness playing with many “hats” to discover and explore Itself. So if it already acted out the perfect “you” as your current life, it seems doubtful Consciousness would need to repeat any part of that again…even your face :-)

If You know (as in, fullyRealize and abide in) you are not a separate body-mind, that You Are Consciousness Itself, You already know You never had any of those lives or body-minds, they were just an illusory projection of Your Self.

In which case, you will never have any lives or any face. You will just Be.

I am unborn and un re-born. The only “face” I see is the Face of Perfection, everywhere I look!

######################MAHAVATAR BABAJI CAVE 



If we sit quietly, making no effort,life expresses itself clearly; it simplyhappens on its own. There's nothing elseto get. The great truth is obvious. The heart beats; the breath comes and goes.~ Darryl Bailey 


In the next two lines the poet seeks permanence or everlastingness:

"Whisper in my ears of silence
The way to be with You always."
Yoganandaji tells us elsewhere God is constantly, continuously talking to us-through the flowers and the rivers and the oceans and the stars and through the music of the spheres.
But the mundane noises and worldly voices are so blaring all around us that it is difficult for us to obtain silence. Unless we learn to silence the sirens of the senses we can never hear the whispers from Eternity. God's whisper, Aum, is omnipresent. It is the hum of the Cosmic Motor. It is possible to hear this hum or Aum only when one develops "ears of silence" through a technique like the Aum Technique of Meditation taught to Yogoda Satsanga/ Self-Realization Fellowship students. When one learns through external silence and inner receptivity to listen to the different astral sounds emanating from the different chakras (cerebrospinal centres) of the astral body, one learns the secret way of merging with and being with God always. Thus, the third unit describes pratyahara or total interiorization.
~Analysis by K. V. Rama Rao, Ph.D. (Former chairman, Department of English Literature, S.K.VT. College, Rajahmundry, India)
1 : 2009, Yogoda Satsanga magazine



It is the Spirit of God that actively sustains every form and force in the universe; yet He is transcendental and aloof in the blissful uncreated void beyond the worlds of vibratory phenomena," Master explained. "Those who attain Self-realization on earth live a similar twofold existence. Conscientiously performing their work in the world, they are yet immersed in an inward beatitude. "

-Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
(Paramahansa Yogananda in Autobiography of a Yogi)

BK Most of us think too much, especially about events and people, local and global, famous and not so famous. When we are always thinking about what is happening on the surface of life, the visible, then it is as if we are living a superficial life. Deep down inside there is a voice, a longing, a calling to depth. It's our heart, reminding us to visit, explore and express the depths of our ourselves. Going deep and being deep requires time spent in solitude, some periods of introversion and a conversation with ourselves. How on earth will we ever see what is in our heart unless we dive deep inside, switch on the light and look. Those who do will tell you it changes everything. What do they see? Simple, only beauty and truth. They are always there, waiting for us to return. Waiting to welcome us and to introduce ourselves to ourself.

Sri Yukteswar was of a soft countenance and voice, a pleasant presence and worthy of veneration that his disciples spontaneously ascribed to him. Everyone who knew him, whether from his community or not, held him in the highest esteem. I vividly remember her tall, erect ascetic figure, wrapped in the saffron-colored habit of those who renounced worldly conquests, standing at the entrance to the hermitage to welcome me. (...) He had chosen an earthly residence to a residence in the holy city of Puri, where a multitude of pious Hindus, representatives from all the provinces of India came daily on pilgrimage to the famous Jagannath temple "Lord of the World". It was in Puri in 1936 that Sri Yukteswar closed his mortal eyes to the scenes of this transitory world state of being, aware that his mission would not have brought to a triumphant end. (Foreword by W. Y. Evans-Wentz to Sri Yukteswar's "Sacred Science".








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