Saturday 17 July 2021





ST AUGUSTINE "Patience is the companion of wisdom."


Instead of performing many different practices, try to come to just chanting one Name, and then perhaps some Bliss can come with chanting that one Name


Ha! Welcome to the existential paradox. It’s actually merely a consequence of language creating a false identity.

Consider this: if we define silence as ‘where noise is nothing’ then what does that sound like? Similarly, when we point at an object that doesn’t exist, what does it look like?

This is the stuff of Zen koans - they demonstrate the manner in which the conscious mind inflicts itself onto its surroundings in an ironic form of opposition. Such ‘creation by categorisation’ produces a mirror-effect, where each entity is replicated on reflection into the stereoisomer of itself. It’s the principle of symmetry on the most basic level.

So, when we make Everything a Thing we necessarily create a Space in which that Thing must be contextualised. Otherwise the Thing is the Space, and it could not possibly be identified. Identification requires contrast.

Thus, language (as an expression of perception) causes contrast. This produces a perpetual paradox where everything is compared to everything as if there was more than one.

Nothing is simply Everything that isn’t Everything. It’s everything else. Everything must be Everything, though.

Infinite regress follows.


Beacause Brahma and vishnu created by Shiva paramatma it's already in vedas

Beacause Brahma and vishnu worship Shiva paramatma


- By Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda.
I closed my eyes
And found a Cosmic Temple
With blue ethetic dome,
Shimmering with all starry prayers,
This is Thy temple of silence in all
Without walls of stone or dogma dark.
Here we meet - all nations, faiths, as one -
With united bursting craving for Thee.
With one chorus of our souls
We sing Thy Holy name.
Here the temples, mosques, tabernacles, churches,
Have broken their walls
And joined together
In one grand voice of love forever
To sing of Thee with one another
In the singular language of hearts.
The incence of soul - feelings is soaring
To Thine altar within us,
Seeking Thy lotus feet.
The viols of our prayers are playing,
The temple bells of our silent songs are ringing,
And our muffled drums of strength
Are beating loudly now in unison.
Sextillions of little joys are all awake
In the souls of flowers, planets, electrons, men.
The nightingales, Canaries, throngs of songsters,
Humming atoms, souls with voices silent and loud,
Are gathered in my love's dream
To worship Thee in the prayer of harmony
In this wall - less Cosmic Temple
Adorned by Thee.
Here in my Cosmic Temple
An anthem from all races, creeds, resounds
An in accord they chant a universal prayer
In one sonorous voice of souls.
With one mind of all commingled minds,
With a bouquet of all entreating hearts
Redolent with ardent love and yearning
Thy devotees wait for Thee.

2 / 1997 Yogoda Satsanga magazine.

SSanatana Dharma :- The Religion which leads one towards Eternity is known as Sanatana Dharma. It is very significant in the sense that it is not founded or established by any human being rather by the Paramatma, Almighty Authority as the word Sanatana says so. It is not such a Dharma which is personified or individualized. It is a Religion which is based on Sat+Chit+Ananda as well on Satyam-Sivam-Sundaram. The man who believes it takes the delight of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha the four pillars on which the Indian Culture is based. To add more, Sanatana Dharma is neither the Religion of the past nor the Religion of the present, is beyond the category of Religions which were and Religions which are. On the basis of the Sanskrit grammar the word Sanatana Dharma has three meanings which are furnished below.
1. The Dharma which is founded by the Eternal One, Sanatanasya Dharma.
2. The Eternally Existing Dharma, Sanatanschasau Dharmascha.
3. The Dharma which makes one Eternal, Sanatanayatiti Sanatanah.
Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Mahapatra, Kriya Yogi.


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