Tuesday 13 July 2021




Is God a he? Says who? Is God a she? Mothers create everything , if things are created why wouldn't a mother be involved?

During an interview with a skeptic, who was doing a hypnotherapy session with Scott at Life Between Lives ~ Spiritual Hypnotherapy, she had a question for her guide

She didn't believe in an afterlife, or guides, so it was a jaded question. “What or who is God?” (its in the book “Its a Wonderful Afterlife”.)

Guide responded “God is beyond the capacity of the human brain to comprehend as its not physically possible. However you can experience god by opening your heart to everyone and all things. “

Easily the most important answer I've filmed.

The sentence doesnt use a gender. Points out the brain is not capable of comprehending the answer. However it paints a clear path of how to experience God.

What does it mean? Open your heart? It's an action not many can accomplish. But those who attempt to do so can have an epiphany.

Further we have free will. We choose whats going to happen.

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