Wednesday 7 July 2021
















That brain circuit was centered in a brainstem region called the periaqueductal grey (PAG), which has positive and negative nodes. When lesions disrupted a positive node, spiritual beliefs seemed to decrease and vice versa. When lesions disrupted a negative node, it increased spiritual belief. The set of data from the other 100-plus patients supported these findings.

Physical activities like walking, cycling and aerobics can all help reduce stomach bloating, research finds.


“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind.”

—Ian Maclaren


What a wonderful question.


Awareness/Consciousness does not have a voice.

And unfortunately, in the realm of ‘spirituality,’ it’s all too ‘spiritual, new-agey, and wooey-wooey to give What Is flowery names, distinctions and human-like qualities.

What Is is What Is. It’s not Awareness or Consciousness or Atman or Soul or even pure Being, a term which I myself have used too many times (sorry🙄 ) to explain the un-label-able.

You could say It’s just Is-ness, but It is the Is-ness of Is-ness.
You could say It is the Empty Space in which 
everything can exist, but to the ‘mind,’ which is absolutely incapable of grasping non-duality, that would immediately be interpreted as subject-object…The Space (subject) holds or knows about This Everything )object.) There is absolutely no subject or object at the core of What Is.

You could say It’s Nothing being Everything, which is more accurate, but even more greek to the mind.

Nothing, of course, has, nor needs, no voice.

A voice would only be good for subject-object.
A voice would only be good for giving guidance & direction towards some ‘goal,’

But there is nowhere to go, nothing to change or attain, and no ‘goal that’s ‘righter’ or ‘better’ than anything else…because Wholeness is already Whole…so Nothing needs to speak to Nothing Else to ‘make sure it’s on the right track.’

For our hopelessly-limited ‘human’ understanding, you may say everything is all just Energy. Not only ‘spirituality,’ but even ‘science’ would agree with this. Just energy that appears to coalesce into form for a while, then dissolve back into the formless.

Does pure energy have a voice? No. When it temporarily takes a form, certain attributes might seem to be real & present - like a body, arms, a voice that comes from the throat, a voice inside our head, etc.

I have had students say that, in deep meditation, they went totally behind the constant narration in the head to total Silence…and even there they heard a Voice - The Voice of Silence 🤣. Obviously, they were hallucinating :-)

In all compassion, what they heard was nothing more than their ego-mind desire to keep their illusory ‘separate identity’ going by identifying “themselves” as a real ‘subject’ (“I”) that heard something separate from their “I” (a voice.)

I would recommend ceasing to use the words Awareness and Consciousness, because of the mind’s irresistible tendency to make this into a subject-object relationship, then start asking questions like, “Is Awareness aware of Awareness?” or “Is Consciousness conscious of Itself? or most absurdly “Can we, as ‘seekers’ or ‘practicers,’ be aware of Awareness?

It’s all illusory distinctions. Wholeness is already whole, complete and immaculate. It therefore has no purpose, no meaning (as “we” understand those words,) and no voice. It just Is.




Many people's minds are filled with emptiness in their old age. Continue your daily routine life, by passing your time. Eating, sleeping, tv, walking, paper reading. There is no diversity in life, no attraction, survival is like a tool.
Why does this happen? Because life has no purpose. There is a goal in young age -- to get good results in exams, or to become a good singer or player. The purpose of people in youth is to build a career. In middle age, the goal is to make children better human, social responsibility, etc. There is no aim in old age that is why the mind is empty.
This can be solved if you live with a purpose at this age. What is the purpose? Work in what you like for pleasure. Reading, writing, painting etc. Do it for your own pleasure. Look at your own interests first. Now match the interests of the society with your own interests. How? Saying by example.
A retired gentleman I know loves to read. He reads a lot about space, then tells stories to students in various classes in the neighborhood school. A lady cuts paper and magazines to create different collages and put them on the wall of a club and teach their members. A gentleman with cancer has formed a club with news of other cancer patients from Nanan Hospital. Club members conduct cultural events with patients in different places, go for picnics, organize indoor games competitions.
Old age does not mean the end of life, but the beginning of a new life. In old age, the loneliness outside and the emptiness inside can be spent like this. You can live with new joys. Physical weaknesses will remain. Nevertheless, see what you can do with this weakness.
Old age has its own beauty like childhood-youth. Try to watch this. Keep smiling. You will understand the importance of life. Spirituality or religious practice is also very helpful in this matter.




"Many executives are falling victim to a number of well-known psychological biases in their push to end remote working"

Opinion essay by Gleb Tsipursky, behavioral scientist

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