Thursday 10 December 2020




Experiencing the disappearance of discomfort soothes the mind, makes it confident, and allows for the insight of impermanence: Everything passes.

—Sylvia Boorstein, “The Wisdom of Discomfort”


What we most frequently see when the mind is focused and clear are the habits of mind that create unnecessary suffering, habits fueled by greed and hatred and IGNORANCE 


The Bhagavad Gita and all other Hindu Scriptures and the teachings of all true Hindu Saints conclude Advaita through Dwaita.


What are the three most important schools of Hindu philosophy? What is the basic task that concerns all three? VedantaSankhya, and Yoga. The basic task that concerns all three is the attainment of knowledge over the ignorance that binds the self to samsara


Desire makes even an atom appear as great as Mount Meru before it is achieved, and vice versa after it is achieved. Desire is a bottomless abyss that is impossible to fill.

—Ramana Maharshi 


the eye-mind visionary mechanism of each person shows a different view to the same One Consciousness. The individual human bodies are like the finite windows. You, standing at the center, are like Consciousness in this metaphor. Francis Lucille often uses this metaphor in his talks.


Q3. �Yes, the perception at each moment is a blip. It is a blip because of the vibrating quality of the mind. Imagine a light beam coming out of a projector. Place a vibrating shutter in its way. Does it not look as if the light appears as blips? In this metaphor Consciousness is like the light beam and the mind is like the vibrating shutter.

T:�� You see, people can prove anything with analogies. Let me give you an example.


T:�� You see, people can prove anything with analogies. Let me give you an example.

A cricket is on a leaf, floating downstream in a river. It observes other crickets on other leaves, all heading downstream at the same speed. Therefore, it concludes that they are all on the same leaf.

The cricket is, of course, wrong. It simply didn’t want to accept that it was all by itself on a leaf, and that the leaf marked the limit of what a mere cricket could do. But the cricket never even touched the stream. So it made up stories based on the similarities it perceived and somehow never addressed the obvious fact that it couldn’t touch the other crickets. Our concern was never about leaves or crickets. It was about the stream.



Suppose you are looking at the blank TV screen sitting on your couch in your living room. Your spouse comes and switches on a Movie. Now you are looking at the Movie on the screen. That’s what you will say. Right? �advaita says, “No, even now you are looking at the screen only!” �It does not ask you to change what you do, it does not stop you from looking. It does not alter your couch or position, least your spouse. advaita says, “Realize that even when you are looking at the Movie, you are actually looking at the screen which takes a different appearance, modulating itself assuming a different color and shape at that pixel position. These are the blips in your perception. The screen exists even when these blips are there, it continues even after the blips are gone or while the blips are changing from moment to moment. �So no proof is required for any new thing – just a shift in the way we understand the world. �And identify yourself with the everlasting screen and “You” are not in the changing movie (the mind and ego + the world)


One may ask, “Why does �advaita not offer proof?”

It does not because advaita is NOT establishing any new theory or bringing forth something not already known to you. �What it suggests is just a change in the perspective. It is like asking you to view to your right instead of left. �What is there that requires a proof in such a suggestion? �It is up to you to turn your head and notice what is apparent in the other direction. �

Suppose you are looking at the blank TV screen sitting on your couch in your living room. Your spouse comes and switches on a Movie. Now you are looking at the Movie on the screen. That’s what you will say. Right? �advaita says, “No, even now you are looking at the screen only!” �It does not ask you to change what you do, it does not stop you from looking. It does not alter your couch or position, least your spouse. advaita says, “Realize that even when you are looking at the Movie, you are actually looking at the screen which takes a different appearance, modulating itself assuming a different color and shape at that pixel position. These are the blips in your perception. The screen exists even when these blips are there, it continues even after the blips are gone or while the blips are changing from moment to moment. �So no proof is required for any new thing – just a shift in the way we understand the world. �And identify yourself with the everlasting screen and “You” are not in the changing movie (the mind and ego + the world).

Another important thing to be aware of is that Consciousness, left to Itself, does not notice anything. When it begins to look at with the thought “I am looking”, then only a perception arises and along with it, the world arises. This perceptual change with a deep understanding has the power to mitigate all suffering!



Presence� published in 2011. �(I was fortunate to be associated in a small way with this work; he has been very kind to magnanimously acknowledge me).

�Look outside the window. What is there, in that timeless moment before thinking has time to rise and call it a street, a building or a landscape? Take some time to answer this question from experience rather than thought.

What is there, before thinking has time to call it perception, perceiving or simply experiencing? What is there, before thinking has had time to rise and locate our ‘self’ in a body?

That fraction of a moment of time is not, in fact, a moment of time. It is the only and ever-present now. That is what Pierre Bonnard was trying to give form to.

When we truly see, or indeed experience, there is no room for thought. In fact, in pure experiencing there is never any room for a separate inside self and a separate outside object, other or world. And all that is known is pure experiencing.

This timeless, thought-free experience of pure perception is what is known as the experience of beauty. When thought reappears and again divides perception into two parts � a separate inside self and a separate outside object, other or world � it imagines that the inside self experiences the beauty and that the object, other or world is itself beautiful. In other words, thought imagines beauty to be a property of objects.

However, beauty is, in fact, simply one of the names that are given to experience when it is relieved of the dualistic interpretation of thought.


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