Sunday 6 December 2020





"Everything is one" is actually Vishishtadvaita, or qualified Advaita. Advaita says that Brahman alone is. And Thou art That.


This might be a =cosmic trick- we might really all be a computer simulation.

Though One it is seen as many , like the moon in water"


As rivers flowing down become indistinguishable on reaching the sea by giving up their names and forms, so also the illumined soul having been freed from name and form , reaches the self effulgent Purusha ( God) that is higher than the higher" Mundaka Upanishad Chapter 3 Section 2 Verse 8


Shri Ramakrishna on Advaita "Once a salt doll went to measure the depth of the ocean.No sooner did it enter the water than it melted.

There is a profound resting in/as awareness here - and this beingness has various attributes like clarity, peace, stillness, joy, fearlessness, and so on. And still, there is nothing in this, to say that this sense of beingness is not being entirely generated by this brain situated in this skull. That this sense of beingness came online with the formation of this brain body mechanism - or whenever clarity came online in this life. And that this vanishes when this brain ceases. If I do not resort to any spiritual language, terms, concepts, assumptions, etc - what can I say about this present moment, other than that there is a profound sense of awareness here? And rather than say things like you just know, or it will become clear, or quiet the mind, or the heart knows, and so on. Try the same experiment here. Without drawing on any concepts, philosophy, deductions, etc - and without having to defend any position - what can you say with certainty about this present moment? And then once you share that here, how can you be certain that it isn't all an elaborate conjuring trick by the brain situated in the skull? What if even the experience/sense of past and future lives, what if so-called NDEs, astral travel, siddhis, synchronicity, and even what is called the undeniable Knowing, is all generated by the brain in the skull? There is no question that this is a far more beautiful life - to be resting in/as beingness, in flow, as they say. But that does not mean that the brain is not responsible. It may be that the declaration I am That/Brahman/Shiva, actually means I am Brain : ) And could you be at peace with that possibility, or is there something that is resisting the notion? I can tell you that it is unsettling at times here - but that doesn't mean I am going to plant my flag, and take up a position, just because it makes "me" feel better. So if we are only talking about this present moment, what do these great teachers know, that allows them all to speak with the same conviction, the same or similar spiritual language, and so on? Because there is only a profound sense of beingness here - which appears to have attributes like stillness, peace, joy, clarity, compassion, oneness, timeless, formless. But I must concede that this entire sense of this moment, the entire thing, may be the immense and still largely unclear power/capacity of the brain


Slokardhena pravakshyami yad-uktam granthakotibhih Brahma satyam jagat mithya, jivo brahmaiva naparah Adi Shankara summarizes vedanta as under in half a shloka Brahman is real, the world illusory. The individual is not different from Brahman


This is positive existentialism.. A feel-good fable on materialism


PSYD Children who experience greater compassionate love from their parents are more likely to be generous to others


DWM People with higher IQs live longer lives,


Advaita is only one presentation of VEDANTA . Others as given by Ramanuja, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Chaitanya, and others present the uncovered exposition of the Vedic Teachings. That we are not God but of the same quality as the Supreme, but not the quantity. God is great, we are small. Eternally.


 In our wakeful consciousness we experience duality, but in deep sleep only nonduality.



One of the most common examples used to describe the state is momentarily seeing a snake in a rope when it is lying in the darkness. The snake is an illusion, and the rope is the reality. In the same manner the world appears in the mind as a formation over the Self.




Unlike a prayer — which channels a hope at some imagined entity capable of interceding in favor of that hope and has only as a side benefit (though arguably its only real and robust benefit) the psychological self-clarification that comes from honing our hopes in language — a mantra is not addressed at anything or anyone external and is entirely devoted to distilling the object of hope to its clearest essence. This, in and of itself, transforms the hope into an intent, making it more actionable — but also saving it from the particular complacency against which Descartes admonished as he considered the vital relationship between fear and hope. A mantra is therefore not a form of magical thinking, for while there is a sense of magic to how such distillation seems to shift the situation by its very utterance, it is an entirely practical sort of magic, for a mantra simply clarifies, concentrates, and consecrates intent, and all meaningful transformation springs from purposeful, devoted intent.

After hitting this state several nights in a row, I told Ajaan Fuang about it, and his first question was, “Do you like it?” My answer was no, because I felt a little groggy the first time I came out. “Good,” he said. “As long as you don’t like it, you’re safe. Some people really like it and think it’s nibbana or cessation. Actually, it’s the state of nonperception, asanna-bhava. It’s not even right concentration, because there’s no way you can investigate anything in there to gain any sort of discernment. But it does have other uses.” He then told me of the time he had undergone kidney surgery and, not trusting the anesthesiologist, had put himself in that state for the duration of the operation.


Nature is cruel. The animal realm is terrifying. I recited some iti pi so bhagavat to him

A jiva is deluded soul by egoism, desires, and other impurities and thereby experiences duality and separation. Because of it each being is bound to the cycle of births and deaths and the laws of karma as long and remains so until liberation is achieved.




In the very first moment of meditation, there is a profound realization: we recognize that we do not have to take our thoughts as completely real.

—Douglas Penick, “What Are You Meditating For?”



TNH A mantra is a kind of magic formula that, once uttered, can entirely change a situation. It can change us, and it can change others. But this magic formula must be spoken in concentration, with body and mind focused as one. What you say in this state of being becomes a mantra


The most precious gift you can give to the one you love is your true presence. So the first mantra is very simple: “Dear one, I am here for you.”

“Dear one, I know you are suffering. That is why I am here for you.” And already your loved one will feel better.


  • Many who end up with severe COVID-19 have reduced adaptive immune function. As a result, they don't clear the virus quickly and end up having to rely on a more proinflammatory killing of the virus inside their cells instead, which damages healthy cells as well
  • Reduced T cell function appears to be a primary cause of severe COVID-19
  • Diet and nutritional supplementation are two key strategies that can help support your immune function. Topping the list of nutrients required are vitamin D, magnesium, zinc and selenium
  • Melatonin is also important. It has the ability to freely pass into any cell where it upregulates Nrf2 transcription, thereby boosting endogenous antioxidant production
  • Other strategies that help support your immunity through a variety of means include time-restricted eating, exercise and sauna


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