Monday 21 December 2020



hawaii VOLCANO


But other psychologists, theologians and philosophers have rejected the attempted "objectification" of consciousness, arguing instead that consciousness can neither be reduced to matter nor fully understood by observation alone. And many of the thinkers !who have voiced this view in the West have drawn both in,spiration and confirmation from various Asian theories of c,6nsciousness. This book focuses on one such theory, the nature of consciousness according to Advaita Vedanta. For Advaita Vedanta, the most influential school of classical Indian thought and the most well-known system of Indian thought, along with Yoga, in the West, the study of consciousness



Textpectation? According to the Urban Dictionary, that's "the anticipation one feels when waiting for a response to a text message."




San Marino

By many accounts, the Republic of San Marino, one of the world's smallest countries, is also the world's oldest country. The tiny country that is completely landlocked by Italy was founded on September 3rd in the year 301 BCE. A monastery at the top of Mount Titano, likely the center of the community, was constructed in sixth century BCE. However, the nation wasn't recognized as independent until CE 1631 by the pope, who controlled much of central Italy politically at the time.

San Marino's continued independence was made possible by its isolated position amid fortresses in high, mountainous terrain. San Marino's constitution, written in the year 1600, is the world's oldest.




Meditation, if correctly wielded, is not about shoving desire to the side. It’s about learning to live with and learn from desire.

—Mitch Abblett, “Slip Free of Craving”



How is it that eternal, unchanging Brahman is the ground of impermanent, phenomenal appearance? What is the relationship between Brahman and the world ? The Advaitic response to these questions involves us in the introduction of the concept of maya and the distinction between levels or degrees of reality. Maya is said to be the power by which Brahman is concealed and by which a distortion, in the form of the apparent world, takes place. Advaitins personify Brahman along with its creative power, maya, as Isvara, the Lord, whose joyous, sportive and spontaneous activity accounts for the appearance of the phenomenal world. ISvara is the efficient and material cause of maya which, as the concealment and distortion of Brahman, is less real than Brahman itself. Yet the created world, with its myriad of practical effects, cannot be said to be unreal, i.e., that which "can never be a content of experience."2 Indeed, ISvara's cosmic illusion certainly seems real enough to those who are subject to it, and rightly so according to the Advaitic perspective, since maya defines the limits within which our phenomenal experience is confined. In this sense, maya is indescribable with respect to reality or unreality (sadasadanirvacaniyam).





moon saturn jupiter x finland





Years ago religion was force-fed to me. I felt God’s love. His presence. But I was made to feel guilty about worldly pursuits. I began to shun my family's religious dogma. My faith in God also started to wane.

I never completely rejected God (came close). But with time thankfully I was able to begin experiencing my spiritual awakening.

For some, the start of their spiritual awakening is marked by one powerful event.

For others (like myself) there are soul healing events that take place periodically along the path to enlightenment. This path is constantly unfolding.

To be enlightened means to be in complete loving awareness. Very few of us will reach this point here in the 3rd dimension. It's the journey, the healing process that really matters.

You Came Here to Experience the Physical World as a Spiritual Being

Before you came into this world you had the opportunity to plan what karma you wanted to heal.

You knew that the Earth school would be tough. Most likely you’ve been here many times before.

Also, you knew that you would forget who you truly are.

This was done on purpose. The more your soul is mired in density, the more powerful your journey to awakening will be.

Many souls desire to come to this Earth school.

Being physical is all about learning your limitations and how to work through them. Even though you’re currently physical much of you is still non-physical.

It's ok to love this 3D world.

You came here to experience its beauty and pain. The family you have is very important. They are here to help you along your journey.

You have contracts with them that you want to fulfill. This matters greatly in the spiritual world.

Being physical and in the 3D is a spiritual event. You need to be connected to the physical in order to grow.

Your Soul Came to Learn Essential Lessons From Limited Awareness

Limited awareness around who you truly are is tough at times. Pain, suffering, and resistance are signs that you can open your heart to more love.

As you heal and grow you’ll learn how to be of both worlds simultaneously. You’ll start to understand that the 3D world is a simulation for you to learn in.

Your physical body is the avatar.

Your higher self which is non-physical and connected to your soul helps guide you along with your Team of spiritual support.

If you weren't connected to your avatar you would simply be dead.

The body is a vessel.

A vehicle for you to experience the 3D realm. Now, as Mother Earth moves through her ascension we have the opportunity to ascend with her into the 5th dimension. The 5th dimension is heart-centered. In 5D you live life in more love.

This is currently why so many of us are experiencing a spiritual awakening. We’re starting to ascend with Mother Earth. She will continue to this ascension with or without us.

In 5D you’ll still have a physical body. Perhaps it will be different, lighter. But you’ll still experience density and being physical. Just at a higher level.

It’s important to keep in touch with the physical. Some may have the opportunity to retreat (like monks or yogis).

This is the path for a few of us.

But most of us came here to fully experience the 3D while learning the lessons that come with it.

We may retreat for a while. But eventually, we “come down from the mountain” in order to ground in our learning.

Connect Daily With Mother Earth so That Your Journey Is Balanced

You need to take care of your physical body just like your spiritual body. Mother Earth is here to assist you with this care.

Engage in activities like:

  • Long walks in nature appreciating the abundance that’s all around us
  • Squat instead of sit. This is great for your hip flexors. It also helps you stay grounded.
  • Connect with animals. They help you transmute emotional pain.
  • Take in sunlight. Let the light codes assist you in your spiritual awakening.

It’s also important to develop a good morning routine. Your first few hours of the day set the tone for success.

Your morning routine could consist of:

  • Cleansing showers with natural soap
  • 5-10 minute hair brushing
  • Self massages for the face and body
  • Breathwork
  • Mediation
  • Prayer
  • Vigorous physical activity (like dance). Expression through movement helps release emotional blocks.

As you can see your morning routine can have both physical and spiritual aspects.

There’s no harm in keeping up your physical appearance. Your appearance is a reflection of who you truly are.

As you journey up your awakening path balance will come more easily. You’ll have better discernment on what to let go of.

Everybody’s spiritual path is perfect.

Yours is no exception. Walk in the balanced middle path of God’s light above and Mother Earth’s support below.

This allows your inner light to shine like never before.



It's called the silent killer for a reason. People don't notice their symptoms until it reaches the late stages. The pancreas is obscured by surrounding organs on imaging and it doesn't take very long to go from forming to spreading all across your abdomen since numerous vital organs are overlapping in the same area. My mother got diagnosed with stage 4 and I asked the doctor how long she had it and he said not even a year. Some cancers spend years in early stages but this type spreads so quickly you have single digit chances of living to 5 years later and you didn't even know something was wrong. The symptoms are just so unremarkable that people dismiss the cancer for things like indigestion or skin rashes or not realize that their poop is floating and it shouldn't be. Its just a lot of minor signals that people don't consider dangerous. It sneaks up on you and by the time you suspect something is wrong you missed your chance .


If the person in front of you is curious to learn new things, it is the surest sign of his intelligence.


For me these were the signs that something is going to change inside me,

  1. Dark night of the soul

Spiritual awakening always start with a major event in one’s life, which usually leads to spiritual crisis journey, which, eventually ends at the union with God. In Roman Catholics they call it “dark night of the soul”.

2. Sudden self actualization

You start feeling that sense of fulfilment, security and being unashamed with who you actually are. You stop giving a shit to what people are thinking or how they might be perceiving you. Suddenly you become able to see your real potential. You become oblivious to judgement by others.

3. Bliss of solitude.

You get disassociated and detached with your old ideologies, habits and routines. The meaning of happiness is changed for you. Material things, social circle, old hobbies will appear useless. You find bliss in solitude. William Wordsworth was so utterly right when he said “that inward eye, which is the bliss of solitude”.

4. Tenderness and compassion for everything and everyone

This aspect was like a surprise for me. Suddenly I started feeling compassion to the people who were in the list of my worst enemies. You actually feel a connection with everything and everyone. It feels like that we all belong to one origin and this feeling was so utterly intense for me. I feel the next level empathy, in a way it is painful though. For the first time I literally was able to understand how Jesus prayed for those who were crucifying Him.

4. Strong urge to change to a healthy lifestyle

Instant gratification become a big no no suddenly. You will dive into the world of clean eating, good active life and non toxic unprocessed foods. You truly start respecting your body along your soul. Putting anything junk in your stomach will feel unholly.



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