Tuesday 29 December 2020







Lipoic acid, also known as alpha lipoic acid (ALA), is a strong antioxidant which helps people to lose weight.


Let me respectfully remind youLife and death are of supreme importanceTime swiftly passes by and opportunity is lostEach of us should awakenAwaken. Take heed. Do not squander your life.~ Zen Buddhist Chant



early Buddhists, karma was non-linear and complex. Other Indian schools believed that karma operated in a simple straight line, with actions from the past influencing the present, and present actions influencing the future. As a result, they saw little room for free will. Buddhists, however, saw that karma acts in multiple feedback loops, with the present moment being shaped both by past and by present actions; present actions shape not only the future but also the present. Furthermore, present actions need not be determined by past actions. In other words, there is free will, although its range is somewhat dictated by the past. The nature of this freedom is symbolized in an image used by the early Buddhists: flowing water. Sometimes the flow from the past is so strong that little can be done except to stand fast, but there are also times when the flow is gentle enough to be diverted in almost any direction.

So, instead of promoting resigned powerlessness, the early Buddhist notion of karma focused on the liberating potential of what the mind is doing with every moment. Who you are — what you come from — is not anywhere near as important as the mind's motives for what it is doing right now. Even though the past may account for many of the inequalities we see in life, our measure as human beings is not the hand we've been dealt, for that hand can change at any moment. We take our own measure by how well we play the hand we've got. If you're suffering, you try not to continue the unskillful mental habits that would keep that particular karmic feedback going.'


 we have different levels of free will in different situations. It is not "this decision has been 100% free" and "that decision has been 100% controlled by Mr. X", instead our choices are fueled by different factors - sometimes internal factors like our values dominate, sometimes external inputs / influences dominate.

#############################The thinking mind's illusion of Free Will: Mindfulness as a Path to Non-Dual Unity and Oneness

We have the subjective feeling of Free Will because we perceives our Self as finite and within time. But the from the Vantage Point of our Higher Self there is no time. All is Created into Being in the Present Moment.

It's very much like a dream. If a dream Character came up into you in a dream and told you that you didn't have free will, it would be as hard to understand and believe because it's not your experience within time. But it's True from the Vantage Point of the Dreamer who is Creating the Dream Experience in the Present Moment. You perceive you Will your Self to move in the dream. But in Truth the Dream and the Whole Experience of the Dream is being manifest as One Emanation out of the Unconscious of the One who is Dreaming.

As you are Reading this you may have perceived you made the decision to click on the reply, but there is so much more that's happening - the movement of your hands, the way you hold your fingers, your nervous and circulatory systems and your eyes are scanning the rows of text and your optic nerve are translating the text into Electromagnetic Waves and transmitting them through your Consciousness and you are applying conditioned thought and memories to interpret these words. If you are holding your phone you are not thinking about how hard to grip it or even how to type or Swype across it. These are just happening by Unconscious Forces, ie. The Will of your Highest Unified Self which is God. So much is happening beyond our Conscious Will, through the Infinite Light of our Unconscious, but we perceive it, through our conditioned thinking minds, as being conscious choice.

It's our egoic thinking minds unending judgement of everything that the arises in the Field of Consciousness that gives the thinking minds the illusion that it is in control. Surrender thinking and thus judgement and be Aware of your Self and you will See that the Will of God, your Highest Unified Self, acts through you. This is Mindfulness Meditation and begins to loosen us from the perspective that we are the egoic-mind-bodies and begins to restore us to perceiving the Universe from the vantage point of our Highest Self which is the Infinite Light of Awareness before Creation and the thinking mind comes into Being in the Present Moment.

With this Understanding mindless meditation is compelling. So fascinating to watch the actual workings of Creation come into Being. It's fearful for ego. You will get anxious and seek elsewhere in your conscious to hide from the Present Moment. It's our fear of death. Ego knows that if you stabilize in the Present Moment that it will be obvious that you are not the egoic mind-body. It's the Reality of our Experience in the Present Moment, without thinking and without judgement, that all is Unfolding in the Present Moment and that we are Awareness it Self and not what Comes into Creation in our Field of Consciousness

Also remind your Self throughout the Day that you, your thinking mind, are not the 'doer' of the actions you are experiencing. Practice Mindfulness because it's fascinating to Observe that we do not have Free Will in the Way that we think we do. Mindfulness does not have to be dry. It's a fascinating glimpse into the underlying Nature of this Experience we Perceive our Self to be experiencing in Duality. It is our Higher Self that brings into Creation the experience of Life in the Present Moment that Manifest as the Experience that we are Aware of.

Also realize that nothing you experience is What You Are. You are Awareness of the experiences, not attached to the experience. So any time your thinking mind focused on some 'thing' external or a thought or feeling or emotion or memory or somatic sensation - just say 'Neti Neti'. It's Sanskrit for 'Not This, Not This'. Basically anytime your thinking mind becomes active and you Realize it, simply say 'Neti Neti' and return without judgement to Being Aware of your mind-body as it goes about it's activity. It's a beautiful Way to begin to dissolve the conditioned thinking that thinks us to be an individual and finite and begin to Ascend back into Unity Oneness with the Infinite Light of our Non-Dual Being







"Passions weaken, but habits strengthen, with age, and it is the great task of youth to set the current of habit and to form the tastes which are most productive of happiness in life."

-- William Edward Hartpole Lecky, The Map of Life






We pass through this world but once."


If we examine the body and mind carefully, we notice a connection between the breath and how we feel. When the breath is calm and relaxed, we notice that the body’s energy is also calm.

—Anyen Rinpoche and Allison Choying Zangmo, “Tibetan Yoga Techniques for Better Breathing”












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