Friday 3 August 2018

seneca , on shortness of lyf

A significant enough amount of time has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested.”
“We are not given a short life but we make it short.”
“Why do we complain about Nature? She has acted kindly.”
“It is a small part of life that we really live.”
“People guard their possessions ferociously but waste their time like it was nothing.”
“When you take stock of all that you have wasted, you will learn that you are dying prematurely.”
“All those who call you to themselves draw you away from yourself.”
“We can’t choose our parents but we can choose whose children we would like to be.”
“Life is very short and anxious for those who ignore the past, neglect the present, and fear the future.”
“They lose the day waiting for the night and the night fearing the dawn.”
“No man has been shattered by the blows of Fortune unless he was first deceived by Her favors.”
“For how little have we lost, when the two finest things of all that will accompany us are universal nature and our individual virtue, which follow us wherever we go.”
“Provided I can keep my mind always directed upwards, what does it matter what ground I stand on?”
“Many people could have achieved wisdom if they had not imagined that they had already achieved it.”
“Often a very old man has no proof of his long life other than his age.”
“Claim the world as your country, that you may give your virtue a wider field for action.”
“No one could endure lasting adversity if it continued to have the same force as when it first hit us.”
“No condition is so bitter that a stable mind can’t find some consolation in it.”
“What look like towering heights are precipices.”
“You are a fool if you think it matters to me whether I rot above or below ground.”
“You are wondering whether souls are immortal; I shall soon know.”
“Seek to learn not only up to the point of death but from the experience of death itself.”

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