Friday 31 August 2018

It was the Buddha's second discourse that he explains that - there's nothing called - Me, Myself or I. Buddha's first discourse was the very first chemistry lesson given to this world. He explained to five discipals, how this world work - how particles coming together, stablization and parting away. In Pali in his own langauge, he tells us it as - Kama thanha, Bava thanha and Vibawa Thanha. This's the same lesson we give it to first year chemistry graduate in the university - about the salt formation or slat theory. In fact, send discourse of Buddha exhorting that there's no Me, My self or I was in fact the very first quantum physics lesson given to this world - how subatomic particles changing all the time(we're matter and matter made of subatomic particles), but the Entanglement keeping particles together communicating constantly. This's the same way we're able to construct quantum computing - two particles at the same time in two different places but physically as a one. It is, of course, mind bogling theeory even 2556 years ago how he explains it in his second discourse how matter changing moment to moment and moving as a flux.

It was the Buddha's second discourse that he explains that - there's nothing called - Me, Myself or I. Buddha's first discourse was the very first chemistry lesson given to this world. He explained to five discipals, how this world work - how particles coming together, stablization and parting away. In Pali in his own langauge, he tells us it as - Kama thanha, Bava thanha and Vibawa Thanha. This's the same lesson we give it to first year chemistry graduate in the university - about the salt formation or slat theory. In fact, send discourse of Buddha exhorting that there's no Me, My self or I was in fact the very first quantum physics lesson given to this world - how subatomic particles changing all the time(we're matter and matter made of subatomic particles), but the Entanglement keeping particles together communicating constantly. This's the same way we're able to construct quantum computing - two particles at the same time in two different places but physically as a one. It is, of course, mind bogling theeory even 2556 years ago how he explains it in his second discourse how matter changing moment to moment and moving as a flux.

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