Friday 12 January 2018


Red flags: rare or absent bruise occurrences resulting from a single injury incident*
Bruise characteristics concerning for abuseUnintentional injury history examplesBruise or incident rare or low occurrence rates6
Posterior surface (torso, buttocks and legs)3 5Most involved fall and hitting or impacting object5% (35/693 bruises)
Linear pattern of bruising4Fall on edge of furniture/frame0.9% (5/559) incidents
Multiple (four or five) bruises from single incident3Stair fall >10 steps, sports, motor vehicle crash0.9% (5/559) incidents
Bruising to front and back of body from single incidentHit by car; fall down 12 steps0.3% (2/559) incidents
Petechial bruising4High velocity—fall off horse0.3% (1/293) bruises
Ear, neck or genital bruise3–5Did not occur0% (0/693) bruises
More than five bruises3–5Did not occur0% (00/559) incidents
  • *Presence of these bruise characteristics raises a red flag, and injury plausibility should be assessed with caution. Hibberd et al identified no or low rates of occurrence for the following bruise characteristics in this unintentionally injured cohort, adding compelling evidence to the red flag nature of such findings.6
  • †Only cases enrolled from the emergency department were evaluated for petechia.

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