Sunday, 17 September 2023



“Each one of us is given a fragment of the sacred dream to hold and express in our own way.

When we forget that we carry an essential and necessary part of the sacred dream, our lives begin to spiral into disarray, our personal dreams become nightmares, and our lives descend into chaos.”


― Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D, The Heart of the Shaman: Stories and Practices of the Luminous Warrior



When a student sits with deep commitment near the Master, as per great saint Adi Shankaracharya – visarana gati avasadanam. Visaranam means it will destroy. What will be destroyed? – One's ignorance; gati means one will reach; what will one reach? – Moksha or liberation.




Lord Shiva also represents Vidya Shakti. Vidya means understanding, Vidya means clarity. To have clarity, one should work on Vidya Shakti also.


Coming back to the story, this old man was practicing grammar when Adi Shankaracharya was passing by. Adi Shankaracharya said, Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Govindam Bhaja Moodamathe – seek the Lord, seek the Lord, don't seek the ordinary verbal knowledge. It is ok at one stage.


Dakshinamurthy sthotra proclaims, "Mouna vyãkhyãñ prakatita parabrahma tatvam yuvãnam". Through silence, the Guru taught the students. This means he taught wordlessly as he used the words and snatched away the words.


One should feel the divinity inside and outside. ‘Bhaavam and Baahyam.’


The other son of Lord Shiva is Shanmukha. His vahana is the peacock and the peacock is waiting to snatch the snake. The peacock is waiting to snatch the snake, the snake is waiting to catch the rat, the tiger is waiting to catch Nandi. Think of the multiple interdepartmental problems in Lord Shiva's family. And in spite of several problems, Lord Shiva is calm. On Lord Shiva's head there is Chandra – Moon. Chandra represents a calm mind. We find Ganga is flowing out of Lord Shiva's head. What does Ganga represent? It represents river of knowledge. The river of clarity is flowing".


Why is God playing a joke on you? Why is He playing a drama? In a drama you have to become better and not bitter. You have to become better and better and not bitter and bitter. And when you become better and better and not bitter and bitter, you find that a different energy will open up within you. So please drop this myth that Lord Shiva says the problem should stop, then you practice spirituality. In spite of problems you should be able to practice spirituality.

re-look at Ichcha Shakti, Vidya Shakti, Kriya Shakti. Look at Lord Shiva. He is holding a trident – a trishula. When you worship, you have to worship the qualities associated with trident. It is similar to Lord Krishna having a flute which is empty. You and I should be empty as a flute. Only then the music would flow. You and I should be empty of ego, vanity, pride. Only then God's music would flow, that is symbolic of Lord Krishna



Lord Shiva has a trishula – trident in His hands which represents the three gunas – Satwa guna, Rajo guna and Tamo guna meaning that all the three gunas are in His hands. He is the master of the gunas and the gunas are not the master of Him. 


Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever is your profession, you may be anybody, remember meditative energy should be your seed. Whatever you are meditating on should be your root. Therefore, when Panini was very calm, he was able to capture Lord Shiva's damaru sound. Patanjali was very calm, and so he could interpret Panini's sutras, which we are able to read. The only system of grammar available right now is the Panini system. In fact, there were nine systems of grammar and we have lost eight of them. We have references that say Hanuman had mastered nine systems of grammar. Fortunately we have at least one system left. 


 Prayer is indeed the path of fulfillment. Moreover, prayer associated with positive action creates activity filled with constant alertness. Prayer is preparedness. Prayer is the preparation we need to overcome all hurdles and obstacles. When success arrives, those who are prayerful are never proud or boastful. With every success, they offer heartfelt thanks to the Lord as well as to others. On the other hand, if failure arises, they willingly accept responsibility for their actions and accept the outcomes as the will of God. They view their mistakes as an opportunity to be better prepared for the next phase of life.

- - - Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji Maharaj -




Dixit said Ramaha only once and he just got lost in the Lord. The father said, "My son must have said it with so much prana – life, that he was so totally involved in it. That his utterance Ramaha once was enough whereas I have been superficially saying Rama, Rama, Rama, and so my samsara still exists. My son said it only once, and he lost in it."


Every lorry in the city of Mumbai looks like a Yama dootha – messenger of Lord Death. The shape of Indian lorries is very appropriately created. It is not like in the West. There the trucks are so colorful that you like and fall in love with them. Here the lorries look like representative of death. They have a very rustic look and death can strike any moment. So where can we practice spirituality? Right here, with speed.


“One can attain nothing unless one concentrates the mind to a point. The Bhagavata mentions that Shukadeva would walk around looking like a soldier with a bayonet. He would see neither this way nor that – his eyes were glued to his goal, Bhagavan. This is called yoga.”​ SRI SRI RAMAKRISHNA KATHAMRITA :, 27 December, 1884


If you act with conviction that God is in front of you and when really God comes face to face with you, wah, with what adbhuta, with what vinaya, with what bhakti, with what shraddha, with what astha, you are going to avahanam, welcome every moment of life! Feel the moment of God in that moment. . . avahanam samarpayami. That is how we invoke the Lord.


Once you see Lord Shiva like this, then you take the bindu and you put it as your third eye. This eye is an eye of intuition, this becomes your bheeja and it should be avadhanam. Once you become bheeja avadhanam, meditation should become your seed.




Brahma Sutra, written by Veda Vyasa, there is a saying, "Tattu Samanvayat". This means that all the Vedas ultimately speak the truth. Why does he say this? Because at one place, the Veda says Manasa evam idam apthavyam – "By the mind alone the truth is discovered"; in another place, it is written, Yato vacho nivarthante aprapya manasa saha – meaning you have to go beyond the mind.


Lord Shiva says, "You are not seeing yourself, you are something more than the body, something which is ateeta, something which is beyond the body. Dhehe pushte aham pushtaha, dhehe nashte aham nashtaha – if you say you are only the body, when the body is destroyed, you are destroyed




Charvaka says, "Dehe pushte aham pushtaha, dehe nashte aham nashtaha". Therefore, it is said, "basmi bhoothasya dehaha kutaha aayatanam". When the body, basmi bhoothasya, is destroyed, kutaha aayatanam – where will the new body come from? Therefore what you will do is yaava jeeve sukam jeeve, as long as you have to live, live happily.


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