Sunday 17 September 2023






Shiva means 'Sham mangalam karoti iti shiva'.

– sham means mangalam, karoti means that which creates mangalam, or in other words that which creates auspiciousness. It is similar to the word Krishna which means 'Aakarshnam iti Krishna' – which I have unfolded during my discourses on Bhagavad Gita. Look at Lord Krishna. His presence is aakarshanam – that which attracts. I would like all of you to understand that we need to invoke the state of consciousness of Lord Krishna, or Lord Shiva more than their physical form.




I won the parent lottery. I was born with the winning ticket, a major reason I was able to live out my childhood dreams.




it is extremely difficult to stay alert and attentive, instead of getting hypnotised by the constant monologue inside your own head (may be happening right now)



At the beginner level of the journey, the sadhak lacks the understanding of ‘Chittachaaya’. He has not even recognized the witness. At that level, the teachers who do not teach step-by-step scriptural verses, usually choose to teach about the attention of the mind.

Because the mind is a reflection of the Consciousness.

E.g. Someone with the visual defect called short-sightedness from birth [an extremely poor eye-sight for things far-away] has not understood what is the Moon. If you want him to understand what is the moon, what would you do? You would show him the moon in a mirror as he can see things within 1-2 feet clearly.

The moon in the mirror is not the actual moon. But it is a reflection of the actual moon. Similarly, the attention capacity of the mind does not belong to the mind. It is a reflection of the witness consciousness. The sadhak has learnt to call this reflection as the ‘mind’s attention’. This is simply conditioning. The teacher cannot un-condition the sadhak immediately at the beginner level because of the sadhak’s rigidity and strong-hold on Samsaara.

Secondly, if the teacher is not teaching step-wise scripturally, he uses short-cut methods like using the attention of the mind. Many beginners get it but not everyone can continue the journey further, as it is not even understood by the sadhak that there is more ahead.

This is the reason why many spiritual circles talk about the attention of the mind. Most of these circles teach ONLY the beginner level Gnyana because there is a big crowd at the bottom, and it proves to be a lucrative spiritual shop strategy [not just money-wise but also name-fame-wise].


When one manages to progress ahead, he starts recognizing that the ‘attention of mind is ONLY outwards – Bahirmukhi’ but the arrow is not just unidirectional as he initially thought it to be. He recognizes that not only is there the outgoing arrow towards the ‘known’ but there is an inwards moving arrow towards the ‘knower’. Thus he starts becoming ‘Antarmukhi’.

That is where he starts getting his foot into the door. He starts recognizing the witness. As the arrow is still facing outwards, he keeps shuttling between outside and inside.


At this level of understanding, one sees experientially that outside and inside are not two. There is no possibility of a two. There is no actual subject and object. There is no ‘knower’ and no ‘known’. That was only conditioning [maanyata]. When that completely drops away, it becomes apparent there is only a single blanket of knowingness.

The same knowingness is also called consciousness/awareness. Everything is a single blanket of oneness. In this infinite ocean of knowingness, the known and knower arise and dissolve together only as an appearance, they are not two.

Thus in your example where you are watching a speaker of a spiritual circle on TV/Computer screen talking about attention:

    • When there is the perception of the sight of a speaker on the computer, there is only the perception of the sight of the speaker on the computer.
    • When there is the perception of the sound of a speaker asking you to pay attention, there is only the perception of the sound.
    • When there is a thought ‘I need to pay attention now’, there is only the thought.
    • Then there is the arising of the ‘witness’ becoming totally ‘Bahirmukhi’, recognized as a sense of ‘I am the attention-payer’ [without words].
    • If the same speaker, tells you to become aware of the knower instead of the known, it is the same witness turning inwards and becoming aware of itself ‘Antarmukhi’.

There is no individual ‘I’ that exists there to pay attention. It is simply the same knowingness playing different roles, wearing different hats.


That is how you are either paying full attention or not. But this is not clearly understood at the beginner and intermediate levels. At the expert level, one clearly sees it experientially [all the time, moment to moment] even if he may not be able to articulate it. He understands that what he calls ‘experience’ is actually nothing but ‘consciousness’. There is only Consciousness. There is nothing like experience in reality. It is simply a word/concept/idea. There is only Consciousness!


RSV- 1956

Since the initial isolation in 1956 of what is now identified as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), seasonal outbreaks of illness attributable to this enigmatic respiratory virus have troubled generations of pediatricians and parents because of the absence of therapeutic options other than supportive care.1 Recognition that RSV infection is the most common cause of hospitalization among children in the first 12 months of life resulted in numerous attempts to prevent or treat this disease. Three distinct avenues have been explored: antiviral therapy, passive immunity with hyperimmune globulins and monoclonal antibodies, and active immunity with vaccines. After more than 65 years of investigation, two types of effective and practical disease prevention finally are available


NM-73 - HBD 


"The Universe is composed of subjects
to be communed with, not objects to be exploited.
Everything has its own voice.
Thunder and lightning and stars and planets,
flowers, birds, animals, trees --
all of these have voices,
and they constitute a community of existence
that is profoundly related."
~Thomas Berry



 Lord Krishna is a state of being, Lord Shiva is a state of being, and so are Lord Buddha and Lord Mahaveera. It is a state of consciousness.



No matter how bad things are, you can always make things worse. At the same time, it is often within your power to make them better.



Lord Krishna. If you are a true devotee of Lord Krishna, you will see the quality of Lord Krishna as Ananda Lahari, Prema Lahari and Soundarya Lahari. Lahari means waves and his presence is like waves of Ananda or joy; waves of Prema or love and waves of Soundarya or beauty because he represents elegance in perfection, elegance in every piece of marvelous creation.


Just because you've made mistakes doesn't mean your mistakes get to make you. Take notice of your inner critic, forgive yourself, and move on."

-- Robert Tew


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