Friday 6 January 2023


 Pangea started breaking up around 175 million years ago, ultimately giving rise to the continents that we have today



The impact rice has on your body depends on what kind of rice you eat. Let's start with the most common type: white rice, considered a refined grain because it doesn't have any bran or germ. It doesn't pack a lot of macro- and micro-nutrients and eating too much of it might starve your body of important nutrients. That's because all rice is carbohydrate-rich and can fill you up quickly, which could leave little room for proteins and fat. Eating white rice every day could also expose you to the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes, according to a study published in the journal BMC Public Health. There's also a risk of an increased risk of heart disease with regular consumption of white rice. Unlike its cousin in the rice family, brown rice is considered a healthier choice, because it's a whole grain, just like oats and whole wheat bread. Making br

own rice a part of your daily diet means you are consuming greater amounts of fiber, which helps lower your overall cholesterol levels and makes you feel fuller and longer. Eating brown rice daily also means getting more iron, magnesium, and B vitamins, which are vital for a strong immune system.







The Pali/Sanskrit word “equanimity” finds a number of different translations that endeavor to capture its meaning: “to look over,” “to be a guardian of,” to see with patience and as standing in the middle of life with a boundless poise and balance. Some refer to equanimity as a spacious stillness of the heart. In the early texts, equanimity at times is used synonomously with nibbana, or “unshakeable liberation.” Equanimity does not leave kindness, joy, or compassion behind but is imbued with these qualities which rescue it from indifference or coldness. Like kindness, joy, and compassion, equanimity is not a state but describes a relational way of being with life that rests upon a profound understanding of the intrinsic nature of change, unpredictability, and nonself that is at the heart of all events and experience. In the midst of all of this, the heart can abide, fully liberated from the greed, hatred, and delusion that create suffering and despair. 


We return to the knowledge that all we are now is the outcome of all we have been and all we have experienced in the past, and the knowledge that all we will be in the future will be the outcome of who and how we are now. Equanimity is not a future state or attainment but a way of engaging with all that this present moment is revealing. Sowing the seeds of equanimity rooted in a deep understanding of the nature of life, we are a participant in shaping our present-moment heart, which is the mother of the next moment. 

VK - 11C 







Asgard or Asgardarchaeota[2] is a proposed superphylum consisting of a group of archaea that includes LokiarchaeotaThorarchaeotaOdinarchaeota, and Heimdallarchaeota.


Global count estimates Earth has 73,000 tree species – 14% more than reported



A🌿 You suffer because you fail to realise your true nature of infinite joy and unalloyed happiness, owning to false ideas and harbouring wrong thoughts like - 'I am (just) this body/mind'. 🌿

🌿 Just like the suffering in the dream world seems real so long as one is ignorant of the waking world, the suffering in the waking world seems real so long as one is ignorant of one's Self. 🌿


✨ Lord Krishna ✨, [31/12/2022 16:34]
🌿 Just like the suffering in the dream world seems real so long as one is ignorant of the waking world, the suffering in the waking world seems real so long as one is ignorant of one's Self. 🌿

✨ Lord Shiva ✨, [31/12/2022 16:34]

✨ Lord Krishna ✨, [01/01/2023 02:16]
Be a witness to life unfolding by itself. Be free of all attachments, fears and concerns by keeping your mind inside your own heart. Rest in your Being. Like this, your life is always fresh and imbued with pure joy and timeless presence. Be happy, wise and free.

✨ Lord Krishna ✨, [31/12/2022 16:34]
🌿 Just like the suffering in the dream world seems real so long as one is ignorant of the waking world, the suffering in the waking world seems real so long as one is ignorant of one's Self. 🌿

✨ Lord Shiva ✨, [31/12/2022 16:34]

✨ Lord Krishna ✨, [01/01/2023 02:16]
Be a witness to life unfolding by itself. Be free of all attachments, fears and concerns by keeping your mind inside your own heart. Rest in your Being. Like this, your life is always fresh and imbued with pure joy and timeless presence. Be happy, wise and free.

✨ Lord Krishna ✨, [01/01/2023 03:12]
🌿 You are me and I am you. There's no difference. Do not react to the world. Do not even react to your own body. Do not even react to your own thoughts. Learn to become the witness. Learn to be quiet. 🌿


🌿 What comes, also goes. This is inevitable. Wise ones never lament after the inevitable. Whatever happens, happen for the best. You may not realise it now, but time will eventually reveal the same to you. So really, there is no reason for you to be sad, miserable or to have any grievances. 🌿

✨ Lord Krishna ✨, [01/01/2023 08:10]
🌿 What comes, also goes. This is inevitable. Wise ones never lament after the inevitable. Whatever happens, happen for the best. You may not realise it now, but time will eventually reveal the same to you. So really, there is no reason for you to be sad, miserable or to have any grievances. 🌿

✨ Lord Krishna ✨, [01/01/2023 08:10]
🌿 What comes, also goes. This is inevitable. Wise ones never lament after the inevitable. Whatever happens, happen for the best. You may not realise it now, but time will eventually reveal the same to you. So really, there is no reason for you to be sad, miserable or to have any grievances. 🌿

✨ Lord Krishna ✨, [01/01/2023 13:52]
🌿 The world is full of misery to an ignorant man and full of bliss to a wise man. The world is dark to a blind man and bright to one who has eyes.
☘️ The bliss of a man of discrimination, who has rejected samsara and discarded all mental concepts, constantly increases.
🌿 Like clouds which suddenly appear in a clear sky and as suddenly dissolve the entire  
universe (appears) in the Self and (dissolves in it).



Strictly speaking, Vedic hymns are not any ‘magical’ mantras.

Even the ‘mother of all mantras’ the Gayatri Mantra is not spiritual.

God Savitar, on whom this mantra is composed, is an Electromagnetic wave. Microwave, to be precise. MW is the oldest wave in the universe. You have heard of CMB, right? Cosmic MW Background, the oldest relic that is still present in the universe.

Savitar/MW is the first God/Electromagnetic energy to wake up in the morning. Morning here means the start of the process of creation of a galaxy.

He orders Asvins, the twins(you can't separate the two) magnetic fields followed by Ushas, the Gamma-rays to stir everything into action. Stir means stimulate! The brightest light in the universe is Gamma-rays and is Purple. Rigveda says exactly the same of Usha!

Gayatri Mantra is a prayer that asks Savitar to stimulate our intelligence - spiritually speaking.

But, when everything points to science here how can one see a spiritual meaning in the Vedic hymns on Savitar? There are several verses in the Vedas that clearly identify Savitar as Microwave!

Not only Savitar but also all the other Vedic Gods have precise scientific ID pertaining to Astrophysics and Particle physics!

Rigveda declares - Savitar is deep quivering! How do you think your Microwave oven works? It vigorously shakes the atoms of the foodstuff you kept in the oven. The atoms collide producing heat, and cooks the food! Heating by deep quivering stimulation.

Extremely high temperatures are involved in fusion and fission of particles that create Plasma/Soma that the universe is made of. Tapas in Sanskrit means heat. Like Taapmaan is temperature.

MW/Savitar heats by jiggling - stimulation.

This is what the truth is. So, when the most revered Gayatri Mantra is wrongly understood, is there any other Vedic hymns that can give the ‘effect’ you are looking for? No.

For such universal consciousness the Upanishads are the place to go to.



Who else can opine about Osho better than Swami Prem Niren aka Philip Toelkes?

His words touch the heart at the end of the final episode of WWC.

“So what I would say to people is try to go on the journey.”

“The truth lies within.”

“He remains master of masters.”

“Start the journey.”

“It’ll change your life.”


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