Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Turbulent mind difficult to see Pure Consciousness. Needs a Satwik mind EB





Science as a method and science as an institution are two very different things.

The "I'm being watched" feeling was vital for the survival of the hominid line. People like to think of humans as the mighty hunter and apex predator, and perhaps for H Sapiens that's true. However for most of our evolution we were lunch for something else. It's even been suggested that the reason we stand upright is so that we could see over the grass and see predators approaching. We are the descendants of the ones who could stand erect and tell when they were being watched. The others died out.


But over the years I've begun to notice that most of the scientific world subscribes uncompromisingly to the materialistic view, almost to the point of it being a religion in its own right. Many scientists have become rigid and dogmatic, anything that might go against their materialistic views is not bothered with, and anyone who does study these things are not given much credence. I would think that as a scientist, you would want to find the truth, and to do so, study all possible avenues.

"The problem with science is science follows the money." ~Russell Brand

Superbly explains my own reactions to scientific rigidity! The ‘constants’ have always been a problem for me too, because they are like man’s deep psychological desire to impose intellectual order on what is perceived as chaos, or disorder. It’s like science has ignored a basic human, psychological understanding, and this is that we have this urge to impose intellectual order, and allowed this to unduly influence the study of science. It’s an emotional need too, we human beings have a fundamental, strong, driving desire for order, we find it uncomfortable and upsetting not to have order. Not recognising this when we do scientific research, leads to conclusions which become ‘dogmas’, a rigid way of thinking — the very opposite of what science should be! Gravity is a big one too, if one dares to suggest, as I have sometimes done, that gravity is more than the warping of the fabric of space and time, and that it can sometimes actually be described as a ‘force’, as I did when talking about the intense, crushing power of gravity within a black hole, then you will be treated with intellectual disdain. We have so much more to discover and learn about everything, and it’s high time that science acknowledges that rigid ways of thinking will in the end, hamper and restrict our understanding

Isn't this the case for every age: people get stuck and certain in their perspectives? It seems to be part of human nature and history. Paradigms get established, then others in the future begin to challenge it, which comes with resistance at first, until finally, a new paradigm emerges. And the process begins over again.



Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. - Carl Jung


"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts" - Dr. Richard P. Feynman, father of Quantum Electrodynamics

One of the most ludicrous beliefs I've heard of is that consciousness is the result of neurons firing because of a chemical reaction.
The biggest problem with not being interested in the factor of consciousness when we want to understand reality is that we will be blind no matter how deep we try to look into the matters that interests us. It is a bit like being a fish swimming around in a little pond thinking that this is the entire world. In fact, the matter of consciousness and awareness is an absolute necessity for any scientific endeavor to take place at all. It is our most valuable instrument but also that which give rise to the wish to know more and have the capacity to evaluate the results from our inquiries. No scientist can be without it! It is the constant companion in all their work. For this reason it is absolutely incomprehensible why consciousness and awareness have not become the best known and studied field of knowledge within the scientific community. Instead, it has become the fattest elephant in the room that everybody is tip-toeing around. When science is forced to give any sort of answer it tries to compartmentalize it into a function of a physical brain activity and seems content with that belief. All aspects of consciousness that cannot easily be explained by materialistic methods and views, but is regularly experienced by us humans, are dismissed as misinformed religious delusions rather than taken as a very interesting aspect to look deeper into. I believe the reasons for this defensive attitude is that it threatens the “fish-in-the-pond-worldview” within the science community. Just as a fish in a small pond is forced to a leap of faith in order to jump out of the small-pond-mentality and into the endless vastness of the ocean, likewise we need hearts of bravery if we are to expand our vision of knowledge and insights, beyond our habitual home waters. To begin an investigation into the vast field of consciousness and awareness we must abandon our fixation with the material world. As long as we put the cart of material fixation in front of the horse our journey towards knowledge and insight will be in reverse mode


Everything seems like magic until you understand it.... Arthur C Clark


Science can no longer ignore consciousness


"Your body is an altar to your ancestors."
— Sophie Strand


“There is a dimension of life, of awareness, that you can discover, tune into, rest in, that is silent, deep, embracing of all, and in perfect balance with it—a kind of wisdom that says, 'Yes, these are the inevitable changes on the surface, and here’s the stillness of awareness underneath it all.'”


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