Sunday 1 January 2023




 But can Al come to actually be harbour-have a consciousness ? Al is another samskara / sankhara .


Most  human being is the author of his own health or disease.” - Swami Sivananda


spiral galaxy 


Being human means constantly battling the "primitive mind" and the "higher mind." Your primitive mind is isolated from the rest of the world. It’s a survival system that always looks for ways to make you feel safe. Meanwhile, your higher mind connects to something bigger than you. It recognizes the profound harmony shared by all life on Earth. Phase six is designed to help you access your higher mind. When you do this, you raise your level of consciousness and tap into a vast reservoir of courage and strength.


gd or universe 

In this exercise, visualize receiving a blessing from a higher authority. This could be any force in which you have faith, such as the universe, God, or your “higher self.” Imagine a bright light falling from the sky and enveloping your body. Feel your higher power’s love and support flow through you while you do so. Remember, you can replace universe with whatever word you like. It’s OK if you don’t believe in a higher power. Instead, consider the light to be a symbol of positivity and goodwill. Your aim is to prime yourself to receive help from other sources. You’re reassuring yourself that you’re not alone. If you believe that the universe truly loves you, you’ll be more likely to experience a wonderful life.



Everything–husband, wife, or even the body–is only illusory. All these are shackles of illusion. Unless you can free yourself from these bondages, you will never be able to cross to the other shore of the world. This attachment to the body, the identification of the Self with the body, must go. What is this body? It is nothing but three pounds of ashes when it is cremated. Why so much vanity about it? However large or beautiful this body may be, its end is in those three pounds of ashes. And still people are so attached to it!


However spiritual a man may be, he must pay the tax for the body to the last farthing. But the difference between a great soul and an ordinary man is this: The latter weeps while leaving this body whereas the former laughs. Death to the former seems mere play


It is wrong if the mind is drawn toward secular objects. By secular objects is meant money, family, and so forth. But it is natural for it to think of the work in which one is engaged. Do japa. Realization will come through japa.


Meditate every day. Constant meditation will make the mind one-pointed. Discriminate always between the real and the unreal. Whenever you find the mind drawn to any object, think of its transitoriness, and therefore try to draw the mind back to the thought of God.


Q: I cannot concentrate my mind well during meditation. My mind is fickle and unsteady.
A: Don’t worry! Restlessness is the nature of the mind, as it is of the eyes and ears. Practice regularly; The name of God is more powerful than the senses.



After attaining wisdom one sees that gods and deities are all maya. Everything comes into existence in time and also disappears in time. The aspirant then realizes that the Mother alone pervades the entire universe. All then become one. This is the simple truth.



It is essential to perform spiritual practices in a secluded place. When the plant is young, fencing is necessary; but when it grows big, the cattle cannot do it any harm. After some years of meditation when the mind is formed, you can remain anywhere and can mix with any person and the mind will not be affected.


Do not bother to know how your mind is reacting to things around. And do not waste time in calculating [about] and worrying whether you are progressing in the path of spirituality. It is vanity to judge progress for oneself.


If you want peace of mind, do not find fault with others. Rather see your own faults. Learn to make the whole world your own. No one is a stranger, my child; the whole world is your own.


Always discriminate. Try to realize that the outside object which is attracting your mind is impermanent, and turn your attention to God


Desire alone is the root of all suffering. It is the cause of repeated births and deaths. It is the obstacle in the way of liberation


Neither mantra nor scripture is of any avail. Pure loving devotion alone can win everything.


It is idle to expect that dangers and difficulties will not come. They are bound to come. But for a devotee they will pass away from under the feet like water


The mantra purifies the body. Man becomes pure by repeating the name of God. So repeat his name always.






☘️ Even the slightest thought immerses a man in sorrow ; when devoid of all thoughts he enjoys imperishable bliss.
🌿 Just as we experience the delusion of hundreds of year in a dream lasting an hour, so also we experience the sport of maya in our waking state.
☘️ He is a happy man whose mind is inwardly cool and free from attachment and hatred  
and who looks upon this (world) like a mere spectator.
🌿 He who has understood well how to abandon all ideas of acceptance and rejection and who has realized the consciousness which is within the innermost heart - his life is illustrious.


Decision-making – Everything is a happening!

by  | Dec 29, 2022 | CausationDoershipFaithFlow with LifeGeneral SpiritualIllusionJust BeKarmaMaayaNiyatiRaaga/DveshaReactionSakshi Bhav/WitnessSeekingYou


Should I stay here in the US or go back to India? Should I sell my home or keep it and rent it out and return back to the US in a few years? Is there still some karma to be taken care of in the US… this case where do I draw a line about destiny and free will….I am stuck in this conflict….so much khichdi going on in my mind….please enlighten me.


The beginning of your answer lies in the beginning of this creation because life is a happening. It is a ball that started rolling at the big bang. The ball rolls from one event to another.

First, that mighty big bang explosion created innumerable planets, stars, celestial bodies, etc. Some were on fire, some became cold soon, some were liquid, some were gaseous. Slowly one such planet cooled down and got away enough from all hot burning bodies to have life sprout on it. From micro-organisms to bacteria, to insects, to birds, to fish, to animals, to a human life was your journey. Each event that happened to you was a trickle effect of the previous event. It would not have happened if the previous event did not happen. It is a chain reaction. The next event cannot happen without its preceding event. Everything is a cause and effect.

You could not have gone to school without being born where you were born, to whom you were born, without the efforts they put in you to send you to the kindergarten of their choice. Similarly, you could not have gone to high school without the previous event of completing primary school. That event led to college and College led to higher studies. The foundation was slowly built.

Similarly, your coming to the USA, your buying a house, your getting into AOL is all the rolling effect of the ball. One event is flowing into another, what are you doing anyways? It is all happening. You do not exist! The force of that rolling motion is so strong that you start rolling with it. That is how you came so far. You did not make any decision, it is all happening. Life is a happening, you are not the doer! You did not make that decision of coming to the US, it happened. You did not make the decision of buying the house, it happened. You were cornered into a situation by karma where you thought that there are two options to choose from. But actually, there was only ONE sensible/practical/logical way because of this rolling ball, the other was just a distraction to create raaga/dvesha, it was the play of Maaya! It was an illusion, never meant to happen because a rolling ball has only one possibility. Everything is just one event after another after another after another. Life is a happening!

Wake up and see everything is a happening, the sun rises, the day begins, you wake up not because you want to or not want to, it is just the design of nature. You are propelled to go to work. You are propelled to go to the grocery store. You are propelled to take care of your family. It is the effect of that rolling action of Niyati! It is the flow of events! Everything is happening!

Even the thoughts that are coming into your mind are coming to you because of this rolling ball [person says something, the situation makes you think, the thing makes you think, mental conditioning of the past brings a thought]. Everything is just the effect of the rolling ball. Nothing is really your decision. Wake up to this fact! The beauty of this creation is that it is working perfectly and it will continue to work perfectly like this. Have faith, everything will continue to happen as the ball is in motion, the decision will happen automatically when it is time. You just be a witness to the rolling ball and let time dictate what happens, dear!

Just go with the flow! Just be a witness!



Do I stop making an effort then? Or just do what comes my way and leave it at that…not worry about the outcome?


Bull’s eye! Just do whatever comes your way! You stop seeking for things! You stop attempting to bring things your way. Just be! The ball is rolling… have faith and just be a witness! It is happening anyways. Unnecessarily you bring up your raagas and dveshas, these raagas and dveshas only bother you with their intense emotional swings. What direction the ball is rolling, it is rolling. You are simply screaming this way…. no no that way….no this way…..nonsense! Drop this raaga and dvesha! Just be a witness to all that is happening. When you become a true witness you get an eagle’s eye view of the situation and then you realize, ‘Oh, the ball has always been rolling on accord of its own force, it has a certain direction already, it is not waiting for me to make a decision. Things just happen because of the force of the rolling motion and I believe that I chose this or I made this decision.’

Drop this doership! Drop this seeking Just be! Just go with the flow! Anyways, It is all a happening!


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