Tuesday 6 September 2022


 People who feel happier tend to have a higher IQ, studies find.


Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram 

রাম রাম রাম রাম রাম রাম রাম রাম

ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ ওঁ

Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram 

রাম রাম রাম রাম রাম রাম রাম রাম


Psalms 111:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.



The majority of adults worldwide start their day with caffeine, usually in the form of coffee or tea. Caffeine is generally considered safe for those who tolerate it well, but the pervasive stimulant may do more than simply provide a jolt of energy in the morning or help you make it through your afternoon meetings — it may boost your workouts, too. Caffeine has been shown to benefit performance when consumed before endurance exercise and short-term exercise lasting at least five minutes.



MILLER "The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.

abhyas vairagya 
In Kadampa Buddhism, one of our key practices is called “transforming adverse conditions into the path” – whereby we take anything that looks like a disadvantage and turn it into an advantage. In this way we don’t just have to bounce back – we can bounce forward. When we get good at this, we become someone who doesn’t mind difficulties. We don’t even have to have the initial freakout, “Nooooooo waaaaayyy!!!!” — we simply welcome wholeheartedly whatever comes up, knowing we can use it to make solid progress to our goal of lasting freedom and happiness. This is spiritual resilience. So useful.

The Oral Instructions of the Mahamudra contain a little bit of fire and brimstone, where we imagine going to sleep tonight as a human but wake up surrounded by hellish fire. Why would Venerable Geshe Kelsang bring that up?! For one thing, of course, it is perfectly possible that this is going to happen; it is not made up. But also it injects some urgency into our renunciation (and thereafter our compassion.)

True agency

And we can. Dharma practice is rooted in the understanding that we are far more powerful than we realize — that we have extraordinary depth and potential. Indeed, we are creating our entire reality with our intentions, with our thoughts. Not realizing this, we give ourselves no credit or agency, instead being swept along helplessly by circumstances that we believe are completely beyond our control. We feel angry, helpless, anxious, depressed, etc because we don’t realize our involvement in this waking dream.



Another thing we can do when frustrated about factors outside of our control is pray. And we don’t need to pray too small. Perhaps we pray fervently for one or two people without appreciating that Buddha’s liberating wisdom and bliss pervade not just our little corner of the universe, but all of reality. When we pray, we can remember that Buddha Tara, for example, is everywhere all the time and can bring peace into many people’s minds.If we cultivate this insight through meditation and prayer, then of course we will understand how we can make a difference on a grand scale.

There is no question of failure, neither in the short run nor in the long. It is like travelling a long and arduous road in an unknown country. Of all the innumerable steps there is only the last which brings you to your destination. Yet you will not consider all previous steps as failures. Each brought you nearer to your goal, even when you had to turn back to by-pass an obstacle. In reality each step brings you to your goal, because to be always on the move, learning, discovering, unfolding, is your eternal destiny. Living is life's only purpose. The self does not identify itself with success or failure - the very idea of becoming this or that is unthinkable. The self understands that success and failure are relative and related, that they are the very warp and weft of life. Learn from both and go beyond.
-Νisargadatta Maharaj

You never, in all eternity, have anyone but your own self. Must you not, then, love no one else? Certainly you must love others! Love them as they are, however: as extensions of the Self—not of the egoic self, but of the true Self of all. No other reality exists! That one Self exists in all things. Images —swirling, haunting, dream-like—come and go, changeless forever yet forever changing. Until you know yourself in infinity, you will have to live alone with your dreams. The chasm between you and them, between you and everything in existence, yawns ever wide and defies you to cross it.
What people really want (though they see it not!) are not things, nor others to love, but ideas, fantasies, mere will-o’-the-wisps. Consciousness alone is real! Mankind dances with idea-waves on the sea of chitta (feeling), and sees not that all hopes are but wisps of imagination!


nature of samadhi

nature of vipassana


So long as I am in conflict within myself there can be no change.
Longer Passage: Conflict can never bring about a change - which is psychologically obvious. So long as I am in conflict within myself there can be no change. There can be a change, not by one desire dominating other desires, but only when I understand the whole structure of desire. That is why it is important to understand the background, the values, the influences, the motives in which the mind is caught. —Krishnamurti
From Collected Works Vol. 10

NRI Despite being only 1% of India’s population, they contribute a healthy 3.4% to the country’s GDP.
  1. The soft power of India and Indians as hardworking, entrepreneurial, innovative, and pluralistic people is due to our large NRI population.



"All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal." ~ John Steinbeck


Jai Guru🌻🙏🏻🌻 I bow to God and the Masters, I bow to you all, my love to you all. Laziness and procrastination are our two great enemies and they steal our time without knowledge. We should be calmly active and actively calm as Gurudev said. We discussed do not waste time. Now let us go to the next point. Do not waste mind. What does it mean? Let us understand the mind a little. Our mind is a gift of God and it come from one life to another. Our body physical has an age but the age of mind is unknown. Mind is the thinking faculty and inner instrument in us. As the smallest unit of time is moment, the smallest unit of mind is a thought. The mind is made of thoughts. From where does these thoughts comes to us? It comes from our another inner instrument memory. The faculty of remembering memory also comes from life to life but it remains dormant mostly. Active memory supplies thoughts to mind which appear in our brains and influences us. How are your thoughts good or bad or healthy or unhealthy. We should train our mind and clean our memory. Mind needs training and education. How? We will discuss later. I bow to you all and pray for you all. My love to you all. Shri Guruji's darshan and words of wisdom in silence - 3


We can choose not to make an enemy of our feelings, as intense as they may be.
There is no difference between dream and the waking state except that the dream is short and the waking long. Both are the result of the mind. Because the waking state is long, we imagine that it is our real state. But, as a matter of fact, our real state is turiya or the fourth state which is always as it is and knows nothing of the three states of waking, dream or sleep.            

Ramana Maharshi 


Feeling Intensity Without Being Overwhelmed

The kind of balance I’m talking about is not a measurement of how much time you spend doing one thing and then another, trying to create equality between them. Instead, it has to do with having perspective on life, and the effort you’re putting out, and the changes you’re going through. We establish this sense of balance within. It demands of us wisdom, and it gives us a growing sense of peace.



Jai Guru🙏🏻

Praying to God and masters for all of you and the entire creation. I bow to all of you. My love for you all. Happy to be with you all.🌻

Wrong use, miss use, up use or less use is waste.

Wasting habit is disease, a social crime, a sin in the eyes of God. Let us reflect up or not to waste.

First do not waste time.

Time is precious and very limited.

The shortest unit in our life is a moment.

In our life we have timespan from birth till death. We spend childhood in play with toys then with study and books and then with job and family. Time gone is never back. Time passes very fast. The present moment is the real time in our hand. 

How are we using our time? From getting up till bed how do you spend your time?

There is a proverb in sanskrit: "We earn money by spending time in talent. But we cannot get time by spending money."

Shri Gurudev said, "Time is God". He also said, "Waste  time with none but God then the time will not be wasted."

Do not waste time implies use every moment carefully, productively, and consciously. For this we need to plan our daily life and use every moment carefully.

One day we know that is our birthday. But one day that is unknown is our death day.

Is there any guarantee about tomorrow?

But we hope, we dream, and we plan. 

Keep God always with you in your mind.

We came to the world empty hands and so we leave this world empty hands. But we should use our time in such a way that we will live in the world and leave the world in fullness of heart.🧡

Let us love God and love God's creation and live a practical spiritual life.

Thank you all and I bow to you all.

Do not be too serious.🙂

Shri Guruji's darshan and words in silence -2


Equanimity Holds Everything

Equanimity can be described as the voice of wisdom, being open to everything, able to hold everything. Its essence is complete presence. 




"That element in his consciousness which enables him to understand that he exists, which causes him to pronounce the words, "I Am," is the spiritual element, here called Overself. It is really his basic self for the three activities of thinking feeling and willing are derived from it, are ripples spreading out of it, are attributes and functions which belong to it. But as we ordinarily think feel and act, these activities do not express the Overself because they are under the control of a different entity, the personal ego."


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