Saturday 17 September 2022


The weak revenge.

The strong forgive.

The intelligent ignore.


My reputation grows with every failure. 

George Shaw


Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world any more. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf.

Albert Schweitzer


Loss is nothing else but change,and change is Natures delight. 

Marcus Aurelius


"Turn your wounds into wisdom."

 — Oprah Winfrey


Reminder: You can always start again.


Every loss ain’t a loss… don’t let that go over your head. Read that again. Count your blessings 💯


CUT OUT EVERY THING and EVERY ONE that is holding you back from the JOY you deserve.

 Cut out everything that is keeping you from the life YOU KNOW IS POSSIBLE


3 tips that can change your life:

1) Never reply when you are angry. 

2) Never make a promise when you are happy.

3) Never make a decision when you are sad.


Some will use you.

Some will test you.

Some will leave you.

Some will love you.

All will teach you.


Mistakes are proof that you are trying.



"Brahman and Narayana are two different terms for the very same ontologically distinct entity. Both designate the Godhead, who is omnicompetent, the Source of all reality, and the possessor of an infinite number of auspicious attributes (all of which are qualitatively immeasurable and quantitatively expansive to an infinite degree). When discussing the Godhead in the most objectively philosophical of ways (i.e., via propositional analysis, inter and intra philosophical debate, or in purely polemical philosophical endeavors) the term Brahman tends to be used, as is seen especially in the case of the Upanishads and in all of Vedanta philosophy (including all of the schools of Vaishnava Vedanta). When the Godhead is being discussed in the most philosophically accurate of ways, however, then the term Narayana tends to be used. In a secondary sense, the term Brahman is sometimes used to designate the less personal aspect of Godhead. In this secondary sense, Brahman derives from Narayana; i.e., emanationism in the neo-Platonic sense. Sriman Narayana (to be technically accurate vis-a-vis precise nominative designation) is the source of even all other aspects of the Absolute, including Brahman in this secondary sense. There is nothing higher than Sriman Narayana." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya


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