Monday 19 September 2022

Jesse Owens. VS v Htlr. Both hated Blcks. 1936 Berlin Olympics



  What is the use of giving so much of your attention to this world? I am not wasting my time here. Because I made the necessary effort in meditation to find God, even when I am working in the fields or mixing with people I behold that great Light. Such joy! 

  Every minute, every second—no matter what I am doing. Once in a while I feel I am in this world, and once in a while the Lord withdraws my spirit in ecstasy, and my body is lifeless. 

  There is no wind, there is no body, there is no sunlight, there is no ocean, there is no breath, there is no temple. There is just One Light—that Light eternal. And then as my consciousness comes down I see that Light change itself into the temple, into the wind, the ocean, and into my body. 

  It is like the movies. The one beam of light is throwing all those different scenes on the screen. 

  How pure is this Light, how powerful—and how terrible is the movie which it throws on the screen. That is how life is. 

When we keep our minds on the Light, it is wonderful. But when we concentrate on the world, we are caught up in the terrible drama of delusion. 

  Until you realize this through meditation, the world is a prison—all trouble and disease and disappointment. 

  Most of the people are poor. Most of the people are sick. Most of the people are unhappy. You may think you are all right now; but you don't know what might happen to you the next minute. 

Why don't you seek to know your real Self, cloaked in light in the astral world, instead of being subject to a thousand sufferings in this gross world? 

  Body is not well; eyesight is going; stomach is weak—why should we tolerate these things? We have subjected our souls to such delusion. 

  Everyone looks for the latest diet or vitamin to be a little stronger, a little healthier. But all these things you make such a fuss about will sooner or later fail you. That is why Jesus said, "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on." 

Now do you understand why he said that? He wanted us to concentrate on the unlimited Divine Source of life, not on matter. 

Think of those in Europe whose lives and homes are being destroyed by the bombs of war. [World War II ] This earth is perpetually a place of war—the battle of good and evil inherent in physical creation. Bombs of suffering are falling everywhere. 

The animals fight and eat one another—and supposedly superior man behaves no better. If you were animals, you would say: "This is my cave, and if any other animal comes near me I will kill it." That is how territorial nations are fighting today. But where will the instigators be one hundred years hence? They will be gone from this earth, and it will have no more importance to them than a forgotten dream. 

  Man should rather use his brief span here to achieve something lasting: to find freedom in God. 


Ref: Excerpts from SRF Magazine Spring/Summer 2010


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We need the bed

Lauren Trauma

Devils of Ohio


A World Of Cosmic Entertainment- part 3

God created this dream universe for entertaining Himself and us. The only objection I have to God's lila is this: "Lord, why did You permit suffering to be a part of the play?" Pain is so ugly and torturing. Existence then is no longer entertainment, but a tragedy. That is where the intercession of the saints comes in. 

They remind us that God is all-powerful, and if we unite ourselves with Him, we will no longer be hurt in this playhouse of His. It is we who inflict pain on ourselves if we transgress the divine laws on which He rests the whole universe. Our salvation is to unite with Him. Unless we attune ourselves to God and know thereby that this world is but a cosmic entertainment, we are bound to suffer. It seems that suffering is a necessary discipline to remind us to seek union with God. Then, like Him, we will be entertained by this fantastic play.   

To be continued 

Paramahansa Yogananda 

Journey To Self-Realization

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