Sunday 4 September 2022


 Eating more meat is a sign of being extraverted, new research finds.

Vegetarians and vegans, meanwhile, are more likely to be introverted.




When I began to practice meditation on compassion, I found that my sense of isolation began to diminish, while at the same time my personal sense of empowerment began to grow. Where once I saw only problems, I started to see solutions. Where once I viewed my own happiness as more important than the happiness of others, I began to see the well-being of others as the foundation of my own peace of mind.

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness Harmony Books, 2007, Ch 13, p 178






Radha Always Comes First!

It is not that Radharani is separate from Krsna. Radharani is also Krsna, for there is no difference between the energy and the energetic. Without energy, there is no meaning to the energetic, and without the energetic, there is no energy. Similarly, without Radha there is no meaning to Krsna, and without Krsna there is no meaning to Radha. Because of this, the Vaisnava philosophy first of all pays obeisances to and worships the internal pleasure potency of the Supreme Lord. Thus the Lord and His potency are always referred to as Radha-Krsna. Similarly, those who worship Narayana first of all utter the name of Laksmi, as Laksmi-Narayana. Similarly, those who worship Lord Rama first of all utter the name of Sita. In any case -- Sita-Rama, Radha-Krsna, Laksmi-Narayana -- the potency always comes firs





self doubt


| सनातन धर्म:🕉️] SIGNIFICANCE OF WORSHIPPING AN ATMA-GYANI 🌿य यं लोकं मनसा संविभाति विशुद्धसत्त्वः कामयते यांश्च कामान् । तं तं लोकं जयते तांश्च कामांस्तस्मादात्मज्ञं ह्यर्चयेत्भूतिकामः ॥ Whatever worlds [realms] he covets by his mind, and whatever objects he, the man of pure mind wishes, he gains those worlds and those objects. Therefore, let him who longs for such desires worship him [the realised one] who knows the atman. [The above verse indicates that worshipping the realised being, with certain desires in mind, fulfills those desires] 🌿स वेदैतत्परमं ब्रह्म धाम यत्र विश्वं निहितं भाति शुभ्रम् । उपासते पुरुषं ये ह्यकामास्ते शुक्रमेतदतिवर्तन्ति धीराः ॥ He [the realised one] knows the highest Brahman, the place where all this universe rests, and which shines with clear brightness. The intelligent, who, free from all [worldly] desire, worship this [realised] man, go beyond this seed [of samsara]. [The above verse indicates that worshipping the realised being, with no desires in mind, makes one liberated from samsara] ~Mundakopanishad, 3.1.10 and 3.2.1

Upanishads doesn’t teach after death or beyond this realm to another realm. It teaches right here right now with logic & reasoning. That’s why Acharya Prashant main focus is on Upanishads not some kind of fairy tales.

My views on ajata vata, theory of non creation-

There is one theory which comes in yoga vasishtha and other scriptures as well, which states in reality there is no creation.

How I understand this is taking the example of dream. For example someone creates a pot in his dream, and in the waking state also he creates one pot. Now the pot created in dream is not considered real while the pot created in waking state is considered real.

This is because the pot created in waking state is assumed to be independent of the waker. Even if the waker dies or sleeps again the pot created in waking state will still exist.

Now what vedanta says is that jagat is not outside consciousness, means that you cant show two of them separately.  Jagat exists inside consciousness. Its an appearance inside consciousness.

While all the dualistic philosophies consider jagat as something independent of atman. Because they believe in multiple sat, that is all jivas are independet truths. So if there are two truths there has to be something between them. And in that case that something existing between two truths will become the real truth, because if you remove that, both truths are gone. So there cant be multiple truths.

So there is just one truth and jagat appears in that. So there is no real creation existing independent of atman.


Vedantic Teachings in Manusmriti ✨

सर्वमात्मनि सम्पश्येत् सत्चासत्च समाहितः।
सर्वं ह्यात्मनि सम्पश्यन्नाधर्मे कुरुते मनः॥११८॥

With a concentrated mind, one should perceive in the Self all things, real as well as unreal. One who perceives all things in the Self never turns his mind towards wrong.

आत्मैव देवताः सर्वाः सर्वमात्मन्यवस्थितम्।
आत्मा हि जनयत्येषां कर्मयोगं शरीरिणाम्॥११९॥

The Self alone is all the gods; everything subsists in the Self; it is the Self that brings about the connection of these embodied beings with actions.

~ Manusmriti 12.118-119



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