Monday 4 July 2022

Dtr SOS RTA crss

A programmed answer that evades a direct question thereby diverting the topic being questioned by citing another programmed example….but the example is worthwhile to note, a sort of universality imbued within the example.

Where there is no worldly  “Me” that covers what is true within one self, everything becomes beautiful, pristine, serene, silent, attentive, uncluttered, groove-less, pure, full of love and grace because the  pretenseless entity is uncovered. That “Me” is one’s illusory ego, a product of one’s conditioning that is full of bias, judgement based on patterned responses,  full of desire,  attachment to the world of illusions and longing for permanence or stability which is borne out of one’s ignorance, vanity and pride.

By realizing there is no permanence in this world  of dreams, one would not want anything more than what one really needs in living a simple, honest life. Anything beyond what one actually needs is just for show of arrogance and vanity which is the hallmark of one’s ego that loves self-attention and self-centeredness.

Joy is the essence of the inner being which is emptiness where love and compassion resides. 
Joy is of love and compassion.
Everything beyond this  emptiness are just manifestations of the physical, of the ego and its turmoil like chasing of the wind; vanity of vanities.

Emptiness is non-being: being is physical- the manifestations, but non-being is spiritual, the metaphysical.

“We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move. We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want. We hammer wood for a house, but it is the inner space that makes it livable. We work with being, but non-being is what we use.” LaoTzu

All gurus and spiritual teachers speak of this inner thing within each human being that is something eternal and wonderful. But who  knows really?

We suffer our past and future 
We suffer in our memory and in our imagination 
Reality itself is magical 

Tiny progressive opinion 


At best ignore. 
At worst punish
Too rich to be sanctioned 

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