Friday 22 July 2022


No one needs a spiritual awakening. People believe that they need a spiritual awakening because they believe that the properties acquired after will be very useful in this world.

The idea that awakening fixes all problems, resolves all trauma, vanishes all fear and pain, is pretty common. There are also some ideas that awakening is what allows one to manifest whatever one wants, like money, fame, love.

I have heard Bob Proctor, a manifestation guy, express a view that his soul will glow with happiness when it manifests twenty million dollars, because his soul is a vastly evolved soul and the money will vastly enrich it. So there is that.

The idea of awakening being evolved, superior, better, renders the awakening valuable in and off itself. Humans, generally speaking, enjoy being superior, better, evolved.

None of this has anything to do with the actual awakening, but those ideas persist nonetheless.



According to Verse 31 of Hanuman Chalisa, Tulsidas says how to avoid toxic people in life



In today’s world there are so many toxic people who speaks evil from their corrosive mouth like burning acid

So according to above verse Sri Hanuman ji is a guardian of saints and sages, the destroyer of demons and the darling of Bhagwan Ram

Genuine spiritual persons are said to be protected by Hanuman. He commands the conscious immanent forces in nature that protect those who are trying to make a difference. In actual fact we all have a higher side and a lower Toxic side in our being.

Praying to Hanuman helps to subdue our negative nature and help protect our positive, so that we can align with the evolutionary and upward force of consciousness rather than the downward pull of the Titan.


I agree with Nikolai Afanasev that meditation should have a goal and a means to achieve that goal.

From my experience, it is also necessary to have a practice of cleaning, which is different from meditation. Cleaning enables us to develop our will to be able to clean away all the impressions we take on during the day. The impressions act as influences on us and strengthen our deeper samskaras (deep impressions).

With cleaning, maintaining the meditative state is much easier. It also becomes easier to experience the various conditions of the chakras in the spiritual system.

The other important thing is transmission or pranahuti. This is when we receive the most subtle of energies. It is so pure and steady that it brings us into a pure and steady-state very quick and easy.

These two extra features were introduced by Babuji and are the hallmark of what is now referred to as the Heartfulness practice. This practice is used by meditators from all spiritual backgrounds (or none) and even other meditation methods, just for these two reasons.

The transmission accelerates the process of, as Babuji says, Divinizing the human being.

The beauty of these two unique aspects is that, instead of waiting and wondering about the results of your meditation, you experience the benefits right away. This makes our practice very encouraging and we want to stick with it.

You can think of meditation as sitting in a nice car but with no gas. How far will you go? The transmission of prana is the fuel or food for the soul. Now we have both a comfortable seat and a fast easy ride.


with meditation you are not going anywhere , you are letting Go





Just live your life. Enjoy your life. You chose this incarnation, so you’re already ahead of the game. If you do choose to come back, and it’s up to you, it will be because you have something to accomplish. So first figure out why you chose this time around, and do the things that you’re supposed to do while you’re here.


Why I reject karma and reincarnation

I believe the religious idea of Karma and Reincarnation are illogical and nonsensical and l list my objections to this belief below.

1) Karma is the belief that a person has to live many lives and improve in each until they become an ascended master and finally lose self-awareness into the mindless soup of the cosmic mind.

2) Alternatively, one chooses one's own next life from the spiritual plane in order to learn something in the next. What the heck did Hitler come to learn?

3) It is claimed by some variants of this illogical belief that one might have to live sometimes millions of lives before becoming perfect to escape the cycle of birth and rebirth and find enlightenment.

4) I believe, however, that we only live once and it is during this life, where we learn our lessons or repeat the mistakes until we have overcome them or die if we don't.

5). Karma says that a soul must live many mortal lives to reach perfection. Thus humanity must undergo countless incarnations from bacteria to insect etc, or bad human until one finally becomes an enlightened master.

6) One, nevertheless, must start out as a lowly life form such as a cockroach or garden Lilly and finally, after countless millions of years-repeated rebirths or incarnation to finally progress to become human, but sadly it does not stop there.

7) For the life of me, how does a bad cockroach or garden Lilly become a "good cockroach or garden Lilly"?

8) This belief if it where not so tragic would be very funny indeed.

9). Karma says that if we have a weakness or fault in this life, we must return, to earth, be reborn, again and again in order to overcome our failings in the previous life in the present life, or horrors upon horrors maybe revert back into a cockroach again because we extremely bad in a particular life..

10) Therefore, any suffering we have to endure in this life, be it cancer, aids, all other sicknesses poverty, etc, etc "is our own fault" due to the evil or bad things we did in our past life. This is a cruel belief as many saintly people suffer and die in the most horrific manner. What soul would choose to be a Jew in the Second World War and see their beloved's torn from them in the Holocaust and consumed in the ovens of Hitler's death camps? This belief also leads to the idea that the suffering of another person is their own fault, earned from a previously evil life, thus we can overlook them, and step over their suffering bodies if they get in our way on a sidewalk.

11)The above paragraphs show that Karma is nonsense, how can one be so often be punished so terribly for something they do not even remember from a sinful forgotten past life. In my case, I have had to endure a part of my life severely ill. Is this the punishment for something I did in past life, of which I have absolutely no recollection?.

12.) Another view favoured by spiritualists and modern-day channellers is that between lives we sit in some other dimensions and decide exactly what kind of life we choose to be it beggar, a rich person or whatever. Therefore, our fate is decided by ourselves, what nonsense.

13). What then about souls like Hitler, Stalin, Nero and the numerous depraved people on earth at the moment, did they deliberately choose a life of depraved evil and what they could learn by there wicked actions? They will degenerate further and further through each life as they are totally depraved without any redeeming good qualities what so ever. Surely, this type of person deserves judgment and punishment, not escape into karma.

14). If we look at the out of control world population we see an increase in the total world population, which is already a frightening 7 billion and growing faster and faster by the day. Where are all these people coming from? If karma is true, surely people should be reaching perfection and escaping the cycle of life and the population of the world decreases. Not so?

15). Again, if karma where true we should be observing just the reverse. With more and more people becoming better and better and finally reaching enlightenment and escaping the relentless birth and rebirth with a subsequent decrease in the world population.

16) Although people are no eviler now than they were in the past (middle age horrors as an example), they are also no better, if we read our daily newspaper or listen to the news on the electronic media.

17) We just have to read up on the mechanized world wars of the past century and see the awful weapons humanity has developed and continue to develop to kill one another, with more and more sophisticated tools of death, the Holocaust being an example of near present-day depravity. Where is Karma in all of this?

18). Where are all the enlightened masters? There seems to be so few in these latter days. Please, could one name just one living true enlightened master for me?

19) Persons I would call enlightened masters in present times would be mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and they did definitely not believe in the law of Karma but believed and practised active love caring and charity nearly all the years of her long life. Forum add others if you want to?

20). If the law of karma is true, why are we still having more and more conflicts and wars all over the planet, instead of peace?

21) What about all this ooh-haa about past life memories some claim to have experienced? I believe that locked up in our genes and encoded within the colossal D.N.A. molecule racial memories could be stored. Perhaps these ghosts of memories could perhaps leak into the conscious mind of some people who then believe they are remembering past lives.

22) Another fact that, has been proven, is that forgotten childhood memories that are remembered in the case of trauma or under hypnoses ad mistaken as a memory of a previous life.

23). My personal search for an explanation has shown not one indisputable past life memory in anyone. All could be explained rationally.

24.) My own personal view on Karma and past life regression is that I hope this awful concept is not true. Who wants to live earthly mortal repeatedly, go to school again, get sick, fight in a war, die in a terrible way, watch those you love die again?

25) Anyway, 99.99991 of people just like me have no memories of past lives, and I believe those that say they have memories are either deluded or lying.

26) In addition, if I lived in the past and have no recollection of that life, the person I was then is truly dead.

27.) I believe I exist now because years ago my beloved parents decided (Not me) to make love. I am sure I did not choose this life and am positive it is the only life I have ever had. What comes after, if anything remains an enigma to me and to everyone else on earth?

28.) I therefore reject the concept of karma as a potentially cruel false belief and nonsense to any logically rationally thinking person.

Alan McDougall


Do good, sow good -good will come to you. Do bad and bad happenings will be your experience in life. Universal law of impartiality.

A human rebirth is a blessing because it is only with a body that we can practice spiritualism. Everyone has the christhood or buddha nature in us. There are many practices that can elevate our soul and one can possibly reach buddhahood in one lifetime though very rare. Our conciousness is spiritually elevated and with each rebirth as a human, we maintained that level and with further practices we would be closure to awakening.

The lessons you should be learning is how to end karma. Without awakening, one would be stuck FOREVER in the world of illusion -the samsaric world of 6 realms transmigrating on the workings of karma.



ELIOTT "Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact.



A / freedom 

Any religion or ism or ideology that is against freedom of human being is unnatural. Such ideology will ruin the world. There is nothing higher than freedom. A human being can realize truth only through freedom.

Human beings need absolute freedom to achieve self realization. Forcing people to believe that only this is true is unnatural. The beauty of Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism is that it is a vast ocean constantly filled with thousands of rivers. Each individual in Sanatana Dharma is a river. And the river has the absolute freedom to follow its path. The river can finally merge in the ocean or merge in a lake or never merge in anything or just disappear on its way. This is the reason why you find an atheist and a theist in a Hindu family. They both can coexist peacefully.

Individual is of prime importance and it has greater value than any religion or ideology. Religion or ideology should be for the progress of human beings not the other way around. But sadly we see that human beings are cut to the same size to fit into an ideology or ism or religion.

Anything that is forced will be crumble in due course of time. Religion or ideology has to come on its own. When truth is not realized, we have hatred and intolerance. We see monolithic religions spreading hate and violence. These religions are hollow and they can now survive only through hatred. To hate those who do not follow their religion or ideology. Go to war against people who do not follow their religion.

If you want to know truth, then start the quest on your own. Do not believe signposts to be your destination. All ideologies and religions have become stagnant pools. They stink now. You should be like the ever flowing river. You need to be continuously flowing. And once you have realized or experienced truth do not create another ideology and religion. Keep flowing and never create stagnant pools. ar



According to the Samkhya philosophical system, known also as the Parinamavada propounded by Sage Kapila, there was a state of dissolution in which the three essential gunas (qualities) were in a state of disunion before this world came into being.

They produced prakriti, equilibrium, by means of their mutual opposition. Later on, there was again disturbance in the prakriti, which resulted in the unequal aggregation of the three gunas in varying proportions, resulting in the creation of the manifold.

Prakriti, the original source of the material world, consists of three essential qualities: sattva (intelligence and purity), rajas (energy and passion), and tamas (mass). There is a continuous process of union, separation, and union again of these main characteristics, giving rise to an infinite number of substances. These subtle guna substances are united in different proportions.

Larger numbers of sattva substances unite with lesser numbers of rajas and tamas substance and so on, giving rise to different substances with different qualities. This continuous process of evolution goes on. However, there is only one stage when each one of these guna substances stands opposed to other guna substances and creates a perfect equilibrium. This is the state in which it is absolutely devoid of all characteristics. It is absolutely incoherent, indeterminable, and indefinite. This state of mutual equilibrium of the gunas is known as prakriti. This system holds that the effect has the same kind of being as the cause, i.e. satkaryavada. Besides the treatises of this school, the Bhagavad Gita also deals with this topic.



Acollection of teachings from Dnyaneshwari Chapter 6

The Dnyaneshwari (Marathiज्ञानेश्वरी) (IASTJñānēśvarī), also referred to as JnanesvariJnaneshwari or Bhavartha Deepika is a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita written by the Marathi saint and poet Sant Dnyaneshwar in 1290 CE

It is an accepted principle that one who performs actions but does not get attached to the fruits thereof, should only be considered as a yogi. (6:43).

He who performs whichever actions appropriate to his circumstances, but does not maintain the ego about his being the doer and does not permit the desire of the fruits to touch his mind is a sanyasi and doubtless is a yogi also. (6:45-47)

In the state of oneness who can give what and to whom? (6:67)

It is due to ignorance that a person dreams of life and death. But when he wakes up he realizes that the dreams were unreal and becomes aware of the truth that he himself is the Brahman. We harm ourselves by the unnecessary I-am-the-body ego. (6:68-70).

Thoughtfully, one should give up this ego and be benefited by becoming one with the Brahman. Really speaking, by being infatuated with the body, one becomes one's own enemy. (6:71-72).

An individual himself is Brahman but his intellect does not believe it. (6:75).

For a person who has conquered his mind and calmed his desires the Supreme Self is not very far. When wishful thoughts disappear from the mind the soul becomes Brahman. (6:81-82).

When the false ego vanishes completely he becomes one with the Brahman already present within him. The thoughts of hot and cold, happiness and sorrow, honour and insult are not possible in such a person. Just as whatever comes in the path of the sun gets illuminated, whoever comes in the path of such a perfect person becomes like him. The thoughts that these deeds are good and those are bad do not enter his mind because he has become one with the Brahman and is devoid of duality. When he ponders over the nature of this world he finds that it is unreal and when he searches for the reality he experiences that that reality is himself. When he later tries to determine whether he is bound by space and time or the all-pervading, all his efforts stop because now his feeling of duality with Brahman vanishes.

One who has conquered his senses while remaining in his body has automatically reached the level of Brahman. Such a person should be called a yogi and the master of his senses. The differences like big and small do not enter his mind, and a lump of earth, a precious stone or gold are the same to him. (6:84-92).

Then how can the ideas about friend and foe, a relative or a stranger come to his mind? (6:94).

Everything in this world appears as Brahman to him. One who has experienced that this world is pervaded by Brahman is a person with vision of equability towards everything. (6:100-101).


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