Wednesday 6 July 2022

DTR crss. VIJRAM line

Condition of upset

Instinct v intellect

Adam stork deviates to apple orchard

Plato allegory of cave

Bacon self portrait contorted

Munch scream portrait


Is Lord Hanuman still alive?

Yes, he is still alive & he is immortal.

When he was born, Lord Hanuman or Anjaneya Swamy was quite mischievous and restless which left his parents Vayu Deva and Anjana worried. Once Anjaneya flew up to the Sun, thinking that it was a big ripe fruit. Hanuman went very close to the Sun and was going to eat it. This incident was seen by Rahu and Rahu went to Devaraja Indra to complain that some kid is going to eat Lord Sun because Rahu is the person having right towards Sun on every eclipse, Thus Indra, the king of the Gods listened to the concerned please of Rahu and he came to the conclusion that Anjaneya needed to be stopped, and Indra attacked him with his Vajrayudha or thunderbolt and the young monkey God fell from the sky immediately on the earth, the left side of his jaw was disfigured. That is when he gained the name of Hanuman which meant ‘the one with the broken chin’. Hanuman’s father Vayu Deva was quite angered that his son was hurt by the Vajrayudha, So Vayu Deva stopped the flow of all air in the three worlds. All beings in the universe including the other Gods were suffering from the lack of air, to the point of suffocation. They tried to appease Vayu Deva but failed to do so. That is when Lord Brahma gave him a boon that Brahma astra would not be able to kill him. Lord Indra also apologized and gave Hanuman the boon that his Vajrayudha cannot hurt him again. And Lord Yama, the God of death also gave the boon that Hanuman will never get any disease and he has no death, Hence Lord Hanuman is one of seven Chiranjeevis and many Deities too granted him different kinds of boons as soon as he born within a few hours. Vayu was satisfied with these and so was young Hanuman. It is believed that he still meditates in the Himalayas and at the Gandhamadhana Parvath.


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